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AI# 11957
Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda Item
Resolution - Engineering:
Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Public Works Contract 17502, with Infrastructure Rehabilitation USA, Inc., for Sanitary Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation.
Item Summary
The scope of this contract will include rehabilitation of 31 sanitary sewer manholes along the 50th Street Sanitary Sewer Interceptor, with the Cured-in-Place Fiberglass Resin Liner System method.
In response to RFP 23-17502-TF, proposals were received from two contractors on August 17, 2023, with the following bid amounts:
Infrastructure Rehabilitation USA, Inc., Shreveport, Louisiana
AIMS Companies, Scottsdale, Arizona
The proposals were evaluated using the following criteria: 60 points for Price, 30 points for Contractor Qualifications, and 10 points for Construction Time. A four-member committee evaluated the proposals and the following ranking was obtained:
Infrastructure Rehabilitation USA, Inc. of Shreveport, Louisiana
AIMS Companies, Scottsdale Arizona
Staff and the Evaluation Committee recommend award of the unit price contract to the highest ranked proposer, Infrastructure Rehabilitation USA, Inc. of Shreveport, Louisiana, for $385,900.
Time for substantial completion is 120 consecutive calendar days from the Notice to Proceed. The contract is awarded by the unit price and actual expenditures may be more or less depending on field conditions.
Fiscal Impact
This contract in the amount of $385,900 is funded in Capital Improvements Project 92745, Manhole Replacement on Interceptors.
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager
Michael G. Keenum, P.E., Division Director of Engineering/City Engineer
Original Contract
Location Exhibit
Budget Detail
CIP Detail
Project Summary Sheet
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