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AI# 12869
Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda Item
Ordinance 1st Reading - Wastewater Utility:
Consider an ordinance amending the City of Lubbock Code of Ordinances, Chapter 22, "UTILITIES", to provide for establishing new definitions, delineating sewer line repair and maintenance responsibilities, amending the regulation for City-participation for large mains, and repealing certain inapplicable provisions.
Item Summary
City staff is recommending amendments to Chapter 22 of the City of Lubbock Code of Ordinances based on discussions from budget work sessions related to the replacement of private sewer lateral lines located within public right-of-way (Street or Alley). The proposed changes discussed during the budget work sessions are as follows.
City crews will perform the work.
The Property Owner will pay a standard cost to the City Water Department of $1,000 per repair.
A payment plan is available for owner-occupied properties.
The payment plan cannot exceed 365 days or 12 monthly billing cycles.
An assistance program for low income residents will be developed by the City Staff.
The proposed ordinance addresses the changes referenced above, and authorizes staff to establish the appropriate policies to support the program, as well as to establish an assistance program.
Fiscal Impact
$300,000 is appropriated in the FY 2024/2025 Budget for the establishment of an Assistance Program.
Expenditures for the private sewer lateral repairs are funded by Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 92747 - Sewer Tap Replacements.
The sewer lateral repair cost of $1,000 paid for by the owner will cover the average material and labor costs associated with each repair and will reimburse the expenditures in the CIP.
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager
L. Wood Franklin, P.E., Division Director of Public Works
Sewer Lateral Ordinance - Executed
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