Ordinance 2nd Reading - Finance: Ordinance No. 2024-O0129, setting the tax rate and levying a tax upon all property subject to taxation within the City of Lubbock for 2024; apportioning said levy among the various funds and items for which revenue must be raised; fixing the times in which said taxes shall be paid and assessing penalty and interest for nonpayment of such taxes within the time provided.
Jarrett Atkinson, city manager; and Matt Wade, city attorney, gave comments and answered questions from City Council.
Motion by Council Member Dr. Jennifer Wilson, seconded by Council Member Brayden Rose, to approve Ordinance No. 2024-O0129, to approve a property tax rate to be increased by the adoption of a tax rate of 0.470120, which is effectively a 0.72% increase in the tax rate.
Vote: 4- 3 Failed
NAY: Mayor Mark W. McBrayer
Mayor Pro Tem Christy Martinez-Garcia
Council Member David Glasheen
*State law requires a supermajority of 60%, which is 5 votes, to approve a tax rate that is greater than the no-new-revenue tax rate.
Without objection, City Council considered items 6.6-6.7 prior to reconsideration of motions below.