Hold a Joint Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting and Public Hearing with the City Council to discuss and take action to amend the Unified Development Code (Ordinance No. 2023-O0054) including but not limited to proposed amendments to Division 3.4, related to Trees, Landscaping, and Buffering, including, but not limited to, Section 39.03.014.b regarding General Provisions, Table 39.03.014-1 regarding Required Landscape Types, Sections 39.03.015 and 39.03.015.e regarding Development Landscaping and Groundcover Requirements, Tables 39.03.015-1&2 regarding Landscape Point System and Parking Lot Planting Requirements, Sections 39.03.016.d.1, 39.03.016.e.1, 39.03.016.e.3.A, 39.03.016.e.3.B.i, 39.03.016.e.4&6, and Tables 39.03.016-1 through 39.03.016-3 regarding Bufferyard Landscaping, Sections 39.03.019.a.2, 39.03.019.a.6.B, and 39.03.019.d.6 regarding Installation and Maintenance, Appendix A related to Plant List, Division 2.2, Tables 39.02.004.a-4, 39.02.004.b-4, 39.02.004.c-4, 39.02.004.d-4, 39.02.004.e-4, 39.02.006.a-4, 39.02.006.b-4, 39.02.006.c-4, 39.02.006.d-4, 39.02.006.e-4, 39.02.006.f-4, and 39.02.006.g-4 related to Zoning Districts and Standards, specifically Required Landscaping Types Summary, and Section 39.10.002, related to Definitions.
Mayor McBrayer opened the public hearing at 6:10 p.m.
Terry Holeman, with Hugo Reed and Associates and the Developers Council of the West Texas Home Builders Association; and Alex Scarborough, with Tom's Tree Place and Lubbock Alliance of Landscape Architects, appeared before City Council to speak in favor.
Zyanya Ramirez; and Dora Cortez, with North and East Lubbock Coalition, appeared before City Council to speak on this item.
Dustin Wright, with New West Workshop, appeared before City Council to speak in favor of all proposed Amendments, except proposed Amendments 9, 17, and 23, in which he spoke in opposition of.
Mayor McBrayer closed the public hearing at 6:40 p.m.
During the public hearing, the following individuals gave comments and answered questions from City Council: Kristen Sager, director of planning; Zyanya Ramirez; Alex Scarborough, with Tom's Tree Place and Lubbock Alliance of Landscape Architects; and Dustin Wright, with New West Workshop.