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Honorable Mayor and Members of the Common Council
Justin Gierach, Engineering Division Manager/City Engineer
August 14, 2024
Res 24-448 Amend CIP and Award Bid for Public Works Contract No. 24-23 to Visu-Sewer for Sanitary Sewer Lining – Various Locations ($1,132,607.23)
The purpose of this Project is to restore existing sanitary sewer mains, within the right-of-way, to a water-tight condition by inserting a lining inside the existing pipes. The existing pavements above the sanitary sewers are in good condition and will not require replacement for an extended period of time. This work is located on various streets throughout the City.
Engineering staff reviewed one (1) bid, which was lower than the Engineer’s Estimate and appears to be in line with previous projects. The low bid was received from Visu-Sewer of Pewaukee, Wisconsin.
Funding for a portion of the Project is in the Storm Sewer and Sanitary Sewer sections of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) (Account No. 03210410-6804-04011 / Contract Control/Storm Sewer/Annual - I & I Sanitary Swr Rehab and Account No. 03210410-6802-04011 / Contract Control/Sanitary Sewer/Annual - I & I Sanitary Swr Rehab).
Additional funding for the remaining portions of the Storm Sewer and Sanitary Sewer sections of this Project is available from CIP Projects which have come in under budget:
$32,159.82 will be transferred from Account No. 03210410-6804-04204 (Contract Control-Storm Sewer-22-04 Algoma Blvd & Vine Ave Recons) to Account No. 03210410-6804-04011 (Contract Control/Storm Sewer/Annual - I & I Sanitary Swr Rehab).
$736,606.34 will be transferred from Account No. 03210410-6802-04204 (Contract Control-Sanitary Sewer-22-04 Algoma Blvd & Vine Ave Recons) to Account No. 03210410-6802-04011 (Contract Control-Sanitary Sewer/Annual - I & I Sanitary Swr Rehab).
Following is a summary of the available funds (after the transfers) and the estimated total construction cost, including ancillary costs such as engineering fees, landfill tipping fees, construction materials testing fees, and other construction-related expenses.
CIP Section
CIP Funds
Estimated Total
Construction Cost
Storm Sewer
Sanitary Sewer
I recommend award to the low bidder, Visu-Sewer, in the amount of $1,132,607.23 and amending the CIP.
RES 24-448
24-23 bid tab
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