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Honorable Mayor and Members of the Common Council
Justin Gierach, Engineering Division Manager/City Engineer
August 27, 2024
Res 24-474 Approve Professional Services Agreement with Brown and Caldwell for Municipal Code Chapter 14 Storm Water Management Ordinance Update ($77,485)
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) administers the Targeted Runoff Management and Urban Nonpoint Source and Storm Water Grant programs. These programs offer a 50/50 cost share financial assistance to local units of government for planning and implementing storm water management facilities to control the amount of pollutants that discharge to Waters of the State. In October 2023, the WDNR awarded the City of Oshkosh (City) a grant for updating the City’s storm water ordinance regarding the City’s current post-construction storm water management performance standards.
To assist with this work, the Department of Public Works requested a proposal from Brown and Caldwell. Brown and Caldwell was chosen because of their knowledge of the City and vast experience with this type of work. Their services will include a municipal code review workshop with City staff, meetings with up to three (3) City boards or committees, post-construction storm water management code evaluation and updates, review and update to Storm Water Utility Credit Policy, preparation of code review guidance documents, stakeholder draft code review presentation, and public official presentation.
The cost of these services is estimated not to exceed $77,485, and will be funded through the Storm Water Utility Operating Budget (Account #05612030-6401/Engineering & Planning-PS – Engineer/Survey/Appraisal).
Chapter 12
of the
Municipal Code of the City of Oshkosh
(Code) provides that professional services of a specialized nature, including engineering services, may be procured without the use of formal, sealed quotes. I have reviewed this agreement and in accordance with
Section 12-16
of the Code, I am hereby recommending that the Common Council approve the award of this professional services agreement
RES 24-474
B&C SW Mgmt Ordinance Update proposal
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