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Honorable Mayor and Members of the Common Council
Mark Lyons, Planning Services Manager
September 10, 2024
Res 24-506 Approve General Development Plan and Specific Implementation Plan for Athletics Facility at 108 West New York Avenue and Property Located at the Southeast Corner of West Custer Avenue and Kentucky Street (Parcel 1500740100) (Plan Commission Recommends Approval)
The subject area included in the zone change request consists of two parcels totaling 5.93 acres, with frontage on West New York Avenue, Kentucky Street, Central Street, and West Custer Avenue. The property located at 108 West New York Avenue is the former Merrill School site and the property located at the southeast corner of West Custer Avenue and Kentucky Street is a vacant residential property. The surrounding area consists of residential uses and Vel Philips Middle School to the west. The 2040 Comprehensive Plan recommends Community Facility use for the former Merrill School property and Light Density Residential for the vacant residential property.
The applicant is proposing to demolish the former Merrill School building for construction of an athletics facility which will include track & field, football/soccer field, basketball courts, and a storage building. According to the applicant, the site will primarily be used by students from the adjacent school but will also be available for general use by the public. The site is intended to be a general purpose athletics area and is not specifically intended for competition use. The proposed active outdoor recreation use is permitted in the Institutional district (I).
A neighborhood meeting was held on August 13, 2024. Neighbors in attendance had several questions, including questions related to facility amenities, public access, fencing, lighting, surfacing and general use of the site. The neighbors did not voice opposition to the proposed use or design of the site.
The applicant is requesting a Base Standard Modification (BSM) to allow 0 parking stalls on-site where code requires a minimum of 75 parking spaces. Staff does not have concerns with the BSM request as the field will primarily be used by students and sufficient parking is available at the Vel Phillips Middle School site for after school activities. The applicant is also requesting BSMs for specific landscaping requirements, and have offset the request by exceeding the total landscaping point requirement for the site.
The August 20, 2024 Plan Commission meeting included discussion related to on-street parking. During the hearing, a neighboring resident with driveway access on Kentucky Street asked if there will be on-street parking allowed on Kentucky Street. Public Works informed him that on-street parking may be considered, but there currently are no plans for any changes. The attached minutes provide further information related to their comments.
Approval of this project would not result in an increase in the assessed property value as the property is exempt. The applicant is anticipating spending approximately $1.9 million on the project.
The Plan Commission recommended approval of the requested General Development Plan and Specific Implementation Plan with findings and conditions at 108 West New York Avenue and property located at the Southeast corner of West Custer Avenue and Kentucky Street (parcel 1500740100) on August 20, 2024. Please see the attached staff report and meeting minutes for more information.
RES 24-506
GDP-SIP - Athletic Field
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