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Honorable Mayor and Members of the Common Council
Mark Lyons, Planning Services Manager
September 10, 2024
Res 24-498 Approve Specific Implementation Plan Amendment for Additional Outdoor Storage at 3815 Oregon Street (Plan Commission Recommends Approval)
The subject area consists of an existing 22.6 acre industrial site (Generac Power Systems). The site is zoned Heavy Industrial District with Planned Development Overlay (HI-PD). The property is located at the northwest corner of Oregon Street and West Ripple Avenue. Existing structures include an approximate 260,000 square foot manufacturing building, a large off-street parking area, retention pond, and an existing outdoor storage area that was approved in 2022. The surrounding area consists of institutional and industrial uses to the north, residential uses and undeveloped land to the east and south, and an industrial use to the west. The subject site and the surrounding area are located within the Aviation Industrial Park and consist of industrial uses. The 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plans recommends Industrial use for the subject area.
On September 27th, 2022, Common Council approved a Zone Change, as well as a General Development Plan and Specific Implementation Plan to allow for an outdoor storage area to the north and west sides of the existing building. Since that approval, Generac Power Systems has determined that more outdoor storage is required to properly facilitate their business needs and therefore is requesting approval of an additional outdoor storage area on the site. The applicant is requesting a Base Standard Modification (BSM) to allow 8’ tall solid fencing in the front yard to screen the storage area. Staff is supportive of the BSM as the area exceeds setback requirements and the applicant will be installing additional landscaping to offset the request.
Meeting notices were sent to neighbors within 100 feet. There were no members of the public that spoke at the meeting.
Approval of this may result in an increase in the assessed property value of the site. The applicant is anticipating spending approximately $24,000 on the proposed project.
The Plan Commission recommended approval of the requested Specific Implementation Plan Amendment with findings and conditions at 3815 Oregon Street on September 3, 2024. Please see the attached staff report and meeting minutes for more information.
RES 24-498
SIP Amendment - 3815 Oregon St
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