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Honorable Mayor and Members of the Common Council
Mark Lyons, Planning Services Manager
September 10, 2024
Res 24-499 Approve Specific Implementation Plan Amendment for a Third-Floor Addition at 250 West 6th Avenue (Plan Commission Recommends Approval)
The subject area consists of a 21.38 acre vacant property with Fox River frontage at the northwest corner of West 6th Avenue and Oregon Street. The area had historically been used for industrial purposes by multiple wood manufacturers. The site is zoned Riverfront Mixed Use District with Planned Development and Riverfront Overlays (RMU-PD-RFO). The surrounding area consists primarily of residential uses to the south and west along with commercial uses along Oregon Street and the Fox River to the north. The subject property is located within the South Shore West subarea of the Imagine Oshkosh Center City Master Plan and included in the South Shore Redevelopment Plan Area. The 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plans recommends Center City use for the subject area.
On November 14, 2023, Common Council approved a Specific Implementation Plan (SIP) for a two-story hospital development. The approved hospital is currently under construction.
The existing approved SIP for the site is for an 18-bed hospital and medical office building with an ambulatory surgery center. The overall building is two stories and approximately 87,000 sq. ft. The hospital will offer around-the-clock emergency and inpatient care and will also have a retail pharmacy and ambulatory surgery center. The applicant is now proposing a third-floor addition of approximately 28,500 sq. ft. which will be initially constructed as unoccupied shell area for future build-out. Additional parking areas are also included in the plans to accommodate use of the third floor area.
A neighborhood meeting was held on August 21, 2024 to discuss the addition. Discussion at the meeting included questions related to traffic changes on West 6th Avenue, access from West 5th Avenue, anticipated employees, water retention, and prevention of bird collisions with large window areas. The neighbors voiced support for the proposed building design.
Approval of this may result in an increase in the assessed property value of the site. The applicant is anticipating spending approximately $7.7 million on the proposed addition.
The Plan Commission recommended approval of the requested Specific Implementation Plan Amendment with findings and conditions at 250 West 6th Avenue on September 3, 2024. Please see the attached staff report and meeting minutes for more information.
RES 24-499
SIP Amendment - 250 W 6th Ave
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