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Special Call City Council
Meeting Date:
Submitted For:
Mike Miller
Judy Villalobos, Executive Assistant
City Manager
Staff Information Source:
Consider approval of Ordinance No. 4235-A, an Ordinance of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, relating to the imposition of a City excise tax (sales tax) of one-half of one percent (0.5%) (in addition to any and all other excise taxes now in force) to be levied upon the gross proceeds or gross receipts derived from all sales taxable under the Oklahoma Sales Tax Code; providing for the use of the proceeds of said excise tax; providing for the effective date of said excise tax to begin on October 1, 2025, and terminate on September 30, 2031; providing for subsisting State permits; providing for payment of tax; providing that the tax is in addition to taxes currently levied; incorporating certain provisions of prior City ordinances; providing for amendments to this Ordinance; providing that the provisions of this Ordinance are cumulative and in addition to any and all taxing provisions of other City ordinances; providing for severability of provisions; and containing other provisions related thereto, or take other necessary action. (Mike Miller)
At the City Council Special Call meeting of April 25, 2023, the City Council gave direction to Staff to pursue the option of General Obligation Bonds for future funding of capital needs for the City of Muskogee. City Staff and representatives from The Public Finance Law Group PLLC, presented funding and scheduling options for a potential General Obligation Bond program in Muskogee for the Fall of 2023, at a Special Call Council meeting on May 22, 2023. Later in 2023, Council gave further direction to staff to prepare for an election in 2024. In April of 2024, the City Council voted to conduct a public opinion survey in preparation for selection of projects for a General Obligation Bond capital improvements program. Two weeks ago, the City Council voted to select certain projects for inclusion in the capital program, including projects for inclusion in a renewal of the $.005 CIP sales tax which is set to expire next year.
This item allows the City Council to call for an election to place the projects before the voters.
The following projects shall be priority for funding from proceeds of this Ordinance, subject to available funding: rehabilitation and renovation of the Muskogee Municipal Building; rehabilitation and renovation of the Muskogee Public Works Building; HVAC replacement and other interior renovations to the Muskogee Public Library; industrial site development and construction of flood water control improvements to protect the Muskogee Water Treatment Plant and other Port Muskogee facilities; and the Street Maintenance Capital Improvement Program; provided, any additional funds shall be utilized for capital expenditures benefitting the City, including but not limited to the streets, utilities, public safety, and community facilities of the City and any public trust having the City as beneficiary thereof and/or for the payment of debt service in connection with obligations heretofore issued or to be issued to finance or refinance said capital expenditures and related costs.
Approval of Ordinance No. 4235-A.
Fiscal Impact
Ordinance No. 4235-A
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