The applicant is requesting to rezone approximately 4.3 acres of land from Manufacturing - Light District (M-1) and Single Family Residential District (R-6) to General Business District (GB). This property was recently rezoned with Ord. 24-S-145. The timeline of which can be seen below:
- On July 3rd, 2024, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing and recommended approval with a 6-0 vote.
- On August 6, 2024, the Schertz City Council held a public hearing and voted to approve the request with a 6-0 vote.
- On August 20, 2024 the Schertz City Council adopted Ord. 24-S-145 on the second reading.
The reason for the initial rezone request with Ord. 24-S-145 was that the subject property had a permitted business that operates on the property with a non-conforming use of a residence as well. Both of which the current property owner owned. At the time, the applicant's intent was to build a larger home on the property but also keep the existing business. In order to accomplish this, the applicant had to zone change portions of the property to allow both residential uses, and allow for the existing business to continue as well. The same applicant has applied for another rezone request. Per the applicant Letter of Intent, the applicant wishes to sell the property and has a potential buyer contingent on the zone change approval. This zone change request is for General Business District (GB). The potential buyer is a landscaping company that would like to open a Nursery, Major on the site. This will require a subsequent Specific Use Permit application. On January 23, 2025, six (6) public hearing notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners within a 200-foot boundary of the subject property. At the time of the staff report, zero (0) responses in favor, zero (0) responses neutral, and zero (0) responses in opposition have been received. A public hearing notice will be published in the "San Antonio Express" prior to the City Council Meeting. Additionally, one (1) sign was placed on the property. Subject Property:
Zoning |
Land Use |
Existing |
Manufacturing - Light District (M-1) and Single Family Residential District (R-6) |
Paving Business and Residence |
Proposed |
General Business District (GB) |
Nursery, Major with SUP |
Adjacent Properties:
Zoning |
Land Use |
North |
Manufacturing - Light (M-1) |
Residential |
South |
Right of Way |
FM 482 |
East |
Manufacturing - Light (M-1) |
Residential |
West |
Manufacturing - Light (M-1) |
Residential |
When evaluating Zone Change applications, staff uses the Criteria for Approval located in UDC Section 21.5.4.D. 1. Whether the proposed zoning change implements the policies of the adopted Comprehensive Land Plan, or any other applicable adopted plans; The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Mixed-Use Center, which is intended to integrate residential, commercial, and often entertainment spaces nearby, typically along significant transportation corridors. The rationale for designating this area Mixed-Use Center comes from the previous Comprehensive Plan, which had a similar designation further to the west that was intended to be a "new town center". This was a goal based on the potential that the IH35 corridor became more consolidated and integrated with passenger rail connections. While passenger rail is still a real possibility, it has been slow to take hold, and the properties that were once this designation have now started to develop as industrial/warehouse uses. When the Comprehensive Plan update was underway, decision makers in the city saw the value of this vision and wished to continue this plan but in areas of Schertz further to the East, where the subject property is located. The area is mostly zoned Manufacturing - Light District (M-1), and while it does have some current industrial uses, most properties are either undeveloped or rural residences. The goal to create a Mixed-Use Center should be to encourage denser residential development and complementary commercial businesses. Rezoning this property to General Business District (GB) would more closely align with the intent of the Mixed Use Center designation. 2. Whether the proposed zoning change promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the City. The surrounding area consists of open space, residences, Danville Middle School, and property to the west zoned Apartment / Multifamily District (R-4). While this area is zoned for industrial uses, it is evolving to function more like a neighborhood. Also, it should be noted that the property abuts FM 482, which is classified in the Master Thoroughfare Plan as a "principal arterial". As part of promoting the health, safety, and general welfare of the city, it is important to mitigate the impact that zoning districts and adjacent land uses have on each other. The current split zoning of the property was approved as Ord. 24-S-145. This was an effort to help the current property owners come into compliance as they were previously non-conforming. However, the property owners' intent has since changed, and now they wish to sell. By making the entire property one consistent zoning designation helps align with the explicit goal of UDC goal to "minimize the conflicts among the uses of land and buildings". The Unified Development Code defines General Business District (GB) as "intended to provide suitable areas for the development of non-residential uses which offer a wide variety of retail and service establishments that are generally oriented toward serving the overall needs of the entire community. These businesses are usually located on appropriately designed and attractively landscaped sites and along principal transportation corridors". The proposed zone change aligns closely with the purpose and intent of the Unified Development Code, thus promoting the health, safety, and general welfare of the city. 3. Whether the uses permitted by the proposed change will be consistent and appropriate with existing uses in the immediate area; The permitted uses within General Business District (GB) are as follows:
General Business District (GB) Permitted Uses |
Permitted by Right |
Permitted with a Specific Use Permit |
- Alcohol Package Sales
- Antique Shop
- Appliances, Furniture and Home Furnishings Store
- Art Gallery/Library/Museum
- Assisted Care or Living Facility
- Automobile Parking Structure/Garage
- Automobile Parts Sales
- Automobile Repairs & Service, Minor
- Bakery
- Bank, Saving and Loan, Credit Union
- Beauty Salon/Barber Shop
- Bed and Breakfast Inn
- Book Store
- Building Material and Hardware Sales
- Car Wash, Automated
- Car Wash, Self Serve
- Church, Temple, Synagogue, Mosque, or Other Place of Worship
- Civic/Convention Center
- College, University, Trade, or Private Boarding School
- Commercial Amusement, Indoor
- Community Center
- Convenience Store w/o Gas Pumps
- Dance Hall/Night Club
- Day Care Center
- Department Store
- Dry Cleaning, Minor
- Family or Group Home
- Farmers Market
- Flea Market, Inside
- Florist
- Fraternity, Sorority, Civic Club or Lodge
- Furniture Sales
- Golf Course and/or Country Club
- Governmental Facilities
- Gymnastics/Dance Studio
- Health/Fitness Center
- Heavy Equipment Sales, Service or Rental
- Home Improvement Center
- Hospital
- Hotel/Motel
- Household Appliance Service and Repair
- Laundromat
- Livestock
- Locksmith/Security System Company
- Medical, Dental or Professional Office/Clinic
- Mortuary/Funeral Home
- Municipal Uses Operated by the City of Schertz
- Museum
- Nursery, Minor
- Office Showroom
- Packaging/Mailing Store
- Pawn Shop
- Pet Store
- Pharmacy
- Post Office
- Print Shop, Minor
- Private Club
- Recycling Collection Point
- Restaurant, Drive-In
- Restaurant or Cafeteria
- Retail Stores and Shops
- School, Public or Private
- Tavern
- Taxidermist
- Theater, Outdoor
- Theater, Indoor
- Tool Rental
- Trailer/Manufactured Homes Sales
- Veterinarian Clinic/Kennel, Indoor
- Airport, Heliport or Landing Field
- Antenna and/or Antenna Support Structure, Commercial
- Athletic Stadium, Private
- Automobile Repairs & Service, Major
- Cabinet or Upholstery Shop
- Commercial Amusement, Outdoor
- Convenience Store w/ Gas Pumps
- Dry Cleaning, Major
- Flea Market, Outside
- Gasoline Station/Fuel Pumps
- Mixed-Use Self-Storage
- Nursery, Major
- Railroad/Bus Passenger Station
- Rehabilitation Care Facility
- Storage or Wholesale Warehouse
- Truck Terminal
- Veterinarian Clinic/Kennel, Outdoor
- New and Unlisted Uses
General Business Districts (GB) are found in a variety of areas around Schertz, even abutting residential developments, as this district's uses are of a level of intensity that is considered appropriate abutting residential. In the subject property's immediate area are schools, residences, or open space. The proposed zone change and the uses within are consistent with what the current uses are in the vicinity. 4. Whether other factors are deemed relevant and important in the consideration of the amendment. Schertz Fire, EMS, and Police have been notified of the zone change requests and have provided no objection. |