TO: |
Planning and Zoning Commission |
Daisy Marquez, Planner |
PLSPU20240273 - Hold a public hearing and make a recommendation on a Specific Use Permit request to allow Automobile Repairs and Service, Major in General Business District (GB), on approximately 0.4 acres of land, more specifically known as a portion of Guadalupe County Property Identification Number 121092, generally located 1,092 feet southwest of the intersection of IH-35 N Access Road and FM 1103, City of Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas. |
The applicant is requesting a Specific Use Permit to allow Automobile Repairs and Service, Major in General Business District (GB) on approximately 0.4 acres of land. The proposed use is currently operating at the Rancho Vista Campground located at FM 1103 and the applicant would like to comple into full compliance and take the necessary steps to obtain a certificate of occupancy. As per UDC Article 16, Automobile Repair and Service, Major is defined as general repairs or reconditioning of engines, air-conditioning systems, and transmissions for motor vehicles; wrecker or towing service with on-site storage of vehicles; collision services including body, frame, or fender straightening or repair; customizing; painting; vehicle steam cleaning; tire retreading; muffler services; upholstery shop; insurance estimations with on-site storage; undercoating and rust proofing, and other similar uses. On January 22, 2025, eighteen (18) public hearing notices were mailed to the surrounding properties within a 200-foot notification boundary of the subject property. At the time of the staff report, zero (0) responses in favor, zero (0) responses neutral, and zero (0) responses in opposition have been received. A public hearing notice will be published in the "San Antonio Express" prior to the City Council Meeting. Additionally, one (1) sign was placed on the subject property by the applicant. The City of Schertz Fire, EMS, and Police Departments have been notified of the proposed zone change and did not provide objections. Subject Property:
Zoning |
Land Use |
Existing |
General Business District (GB) |
Automobile Repairs and Service, Major |
Proposed |
General Business District (GB) with SUP to allow Automobile Repairs and Service, Major |
Automobile Repairs and Service, Major |
Adjacent Properties:
Zoning |
Land Use |
North |
General Business District (GB) |
Rio Vista Campground Recreational Vehicle Park |
South |
General Business District (GB) With Approved SUP to allow Automobile Repair, Major (Ordinance 19-S-15) |
Total True Automotive (Automobile Repair, Major); Alamo Hanger & Supply |
East |
Right-Of-Way |
FM1103 *(Principal Arterial 120'-130' ROW) |
West |
Single-Family Residential District (R-7) |
Single-Family Residences (Riata Subdivision) |
The applicant is requesting a Specific Use Permit on approximately 0.4 acres of land to allow Automobile Repairs and Service, Major in General Business District (GB). As per the letter of intent, Alamo Food Trailers, the proposed business offers services which include custom design and construction, repair, and renovation of food trailers with the capacity to perform electrical, structural, and fabrication work. |
It is the City’s desire to promote safe, orderly, efficient development and ensure compliance with the City’s vision of future growth. |
When evaluating Specific Use Permits, Staff uses the criteria listed in UDC Section 21.5.11.D. The criteria are listed below: 1. The proposed use at the specified location is consistent with the policies of the adopted Comprehensive Land Plan, or any other applicable adopted plans. The proposed Specific Use Permit is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Land Plan. The subject property is designated as Local Corridor in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan- Future Land Use Map. Local Corridor is described as areas with locally oriented commercial and entertainment situated along medium to high-volume collector roads with neighborhoods at the perimeter. When considering zone changes in Local Corridor, the scale and intensity of the uses allowed within the proposed zoning shall be of scale and intensity that is compatible with the surrounding residential neighborhoods. The proposed Specific Use Permit is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan as it meets the scale and intensity of the immediately surrounding area.The subject property is located along FM 1103, which is a Principal Arterial. To the north of the subject property is an existing Recreational Vehicle Park and to the South is a property with an approved Specific Use Permit to allow Automobile Repairs, Major in General Business District (GB). 2. The proposed use is consistent with the general purpose and intent of the applicable zoning district regulations. General Business District (GB) is intended for non-residential uses which offer a wide variety of retail and service establishments that are generally oriented toward serving the overall needs of the entire community and that are located on appropriately designed principal transportation corridors. The proposed Specific Use Permit to allow Automobile Repairs and Service, Major is located along FM 1103, which is a major transportation corridor. Additional screening requirements will be required along the property line that is adjacent to residential zoning and uses.
Table 21.5.7.B Dimensional Requirements for Non-Residential Zoning Districts |
Minimum Lot Size Dimensions |
Minimum Yard Setbacks |
Miscellaneous Lot Requirements |
Code |
Zoning District |
Area Sq.Ft. |
Width Ft. |
Depth Ft. |
Front Ft. |
Rear Adjacent to Non-Residential |
Rear Adjacent to Residential |
Side Adjacent to Non-Residential |
Side Adjacent to Residential |
Maximum Height |
Maximum Impervious Coverage |
GB |
General Business |
10,000 |
100 |
100 |
25 Ft |
0 Ft |
25 Ft |
0 |
25 Ft |
120 Ft |
80% |
3. The proposed use is compatible with and preserves the character and integrity of adjacent developments and neighborhoods. The proposed Specific Use Permit to allow Automobile Repairs and Service, Major, is compatible with the adjacent developments in the area as similar uses are operating along FM 1103. To the north of the subject property is an existing and operating Recreational Vehicle Park. To the south of the subject property, there is an existing and approved Specific Use Permit to allow Automobile Repairs, Major for the operating Total True Automotive FM1103. 4. The proposed use will not adversely affect the overall health, safety, or general welfare of the City. The proposed use will not adversely affect the health, safety, or general welfare of the City. The Specific Use Permit is the first step for Alamo Food Trailers to come into compliance. If the Specific Use Permit is approved, the applicant will still need to submit and apply for the subsequent development applications to receive a certificate of occupancy. The subject property will need to meet all site design requirements and building code requirements. This includes but is not limited to the additional screening required adjacent to residential zoning and uses, asphalt or concrete parking, and meeting all building code standards. Additionally, the entrance for the subject property is located along FM 1103. The subject property is located along FM 1103, which is a TXDOT road. FM 1103 is identified as a Principal Arterial in the Master Thoroughfare Plan with 120 to 130 feet of right-of-way. 5. Whether other factors are deemed relevant and important in the consideration of the Specific Use Permit. The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council have not provided additional criteria for consideration of the Specific Use Permit. Alamo Food Trailers is a business that exists at the subject location, but an approved Specific Use Permit to allow Automobile Repairs and Service, Major is the first step in the process towards full compliance. The applicant would still need to submit the required development applications which include, but are not limited to site plan applications and building permit applications to obtain a certificate of occupancy. |
Staff recommends approval of the requested Specific Use Permit to allow Automobile Repair and Service, Major in General Business District (GB), conditioned upon the following:
- Prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued, the site will need to be brought into full compliance with the UDC Site Design requirements including but not limited to screening adjacent to residential zoning and uses and parking requirements.
- A building permit is approved within (2) years of the adoption of the Specific Use Permit Ordinance in accordance with Unified Development Code Article 5, Section 21.5.11.F Expiration of Specific Use Permit.