Resolution - Parks and Recreation: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 17058, with Turfmaster Irrigation and Landscaping, Inc., for the supply of decomposed granite and infield mix to be used at various park trails and athletic fields throughout the park system.
Item Summary
This is an annual contract to supply decomposed granite and infield mix for park walking trails and athletic fields.
In response to ITB 23-17058-DH, a sole bid was received and opened on February 9, 2023. It was as follows.
Bid Amount
Turfmaster Irrigation and Landscaping, Inc.
This contract will be for a term of one year, with the option of four (4) one-year extensions. All stated annual quantities are approximations of usage during the time period to be covered by pricing established by this bid. Actual usage may be more or less. Order quantities will be determined by actual need and funds available within the approved budget.
Staff recommends award to the sole bidder, Turfmaster Irrigation and Landscaping, Inc., of Lubbock, Texas, for $228,344.
Fiscal Impact
$78,131 of this contract for $228,344, will be funded in Capital Improvement Project 92777 - Mae Simmons/Cross Country Trail. The remainder of the contract will be funded in specific accounts of the FY 2022-23 Adopted Operating Budget for Parks and Recreation.