This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) establishes the Parties' roles and responsibilities regarding access to electronic health data, collectively referred to as Limited Data Set (LDS), through the Texas Syndromic Surveillance (TxS2) system, for the purpose of supporting public health syndromic surveillance to protect the health of Texas citizens. The LDS will, at a minimum, meet requirements for the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs for the meaningful use of certified EHR technology to improve patient care. Under this MOU, LHD will access the TxS2 system to support its ongoing analysis of data and the search for combinations of signs and symptoms of disease in a population. LHD's efforts are expected to be useful in the following manner:
1) identifying and responding to naturally occurring diseases such as influenza and food-borne illness;
2) detecting and mitigating the effects of terrorist incidents; and
3) serving other public health uses consistent with applicable law.