Resolution - Water Operations: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 15905, with Brenntag Southwest, Inc., for the purchase of hydrochloric acid for the North and South Water Treatment Plants.
Item Summary
The City of Lubbock North and South Water Treatment Plants use 15% hydrochloric acid co-reactant to assist in 1) the prevention of nitrification/biofilm within the Lubbock's water distribution system, and 2) for taste and odor control. The 15.0% hydrochloric acid co-reactant is combined with two other chemicals to generate chlorine dioxide, which aids in water disinfection. This specialized product is extremely important to ensure compliance with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Rules & Regulations, as well as ensure that safe water is being produced and delivered. Approximately 467,250 pounds is used annually by the City of Lubbock at the North Water Treatment Plant, and 155,750 pounds is used annually at the South Water Treatment Plant.
In response to ITB 21-15905-YB, one proposal from Brenntag Southwest, Inc. of Lancaster, Texas was received for $0.252 per pound, for a total price of $156,996. Staff recommends awarding this contract to Brenntag Southwest, Inc.
Fiscal Impact
This purchase of $156,996 is funded in the FY 2021-22 Water and Wastewater Fund Operating Budget.