Res 24-450 Approve Specific Implementation Plan Amendment for Loading Dock Access at 3300 Medalist Drive (Plan Commission Recommends Approval)
The subject site consists of an industrial parcel totaling 17.05 acres. The property is located at the southeast corner of Medalist Drive and West 33rd Avenue. Existing structures include an approximate 140,000 square foot manufacturing building, a separate 19,500 square foot office building, three main off-street parking areas, and accessory structures. Four personal storage facility buildings are also being constructed on the site, which were included in a General Development Plan/Specific Implementation Plan approved by Common Council in 2023. The subject site as well as the surrounding area are located in the Aviation Industrial Park and consist of industrial uses. The 2040 Comprehensive Plan recommends industrial land use for the subject property as well as the adjoining parcels.
Lakeside Plastics has purchased a building on the site that was formerly used as an office building by Oshkosh Defense (401 West 33rd Avenue) and intends to use it for a mix of office and manufacturing/warehousing. The applicant plans to add a loading dock to the east side of the building along with additional pavement for truck access to the loading dock. A cross-access easement agreement is required as the new paved loading dock access will run through the neighboring property to the north (450 West 33rd Avenue), which is also owned by Lakeside Plastics. The applicant has provided documentation of the required agreement.
The applicant is requesting a base standard modification (BSM) to allow reduced side yard setback for the new pavement to 10', where code requires a 20' side setback. Staff does not have concerns with the reduced setback as it is abutting an undevelopable area of the industrial site to the east that is used for stormwater ponds. The applicant is requesting a BSM to allow 0.0 fc lighting level for the vehicle circulation area where code requires a minimum of 0.4 fc for all vehicle circulation areas. According to the applicant, the required lighting is not needed for this area as it is only used for truck maneuvering and the lighting of the trucks will be sufficient for accessing the loading dock. Staff is supportive of the requested BSM as the subject area is isolated from all customer, employee, and pedestrian areas and should not cause safety concerns related to vehicle and pedestrian circulation.
Approval of this may result in an increase in the assessed property value for the site. The applicant is anticipating spending approximately $82,000 on the proposed project.
The Plan Commission recommended approval of the requested Specific Implementation Plan Amendment for loading dock access at 3300 Medalist Drive with findings and conditions on August 6, 2024. Please see the attached staff report and meeting minutes for more information.