Resolution - Business Development: Consider a resolution accepting a Special Warranty Deed for real property located at various tracts within the Bell Farms Public Improvement District as described on the exhibits to the Special Warranty Deed, granted to the City of Lubbock on behalf of the Bell Farms Public Improvement District by Betenbough Homes, LLC.
Item Summary
The Bell Farms Public Improvement District (PID) is generally bounded by 130th Street to the north, Avenue P to the east, 146th Street to the south, and University Avenue to the west.
On June 25, 2019, the City Council approved creation Resolution No. 2019-R0232, establishing the area as a PID under Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, for the purpose of financing improvements and services related to:
The acquisition or construction of drainage facilities or improvements;
The design, construction and maintenance of parks and green space, together with ancillary structures, features, or amenities such as playgrounds, splash pads, pools, athletic facilities, pavilions, community facilities, irrigation, walkways, lighting, benches, trash receptacles, and any similar items located therein, along with all necessary grading, drainage, and similar infrastructure involved in the maintenance of such parks and green space; and
The cost of establishing, administering and operating the PID.
This item transfers ownership of a Playa Lake Park (Exhibits A and B), a Basin Park (Exhibit C), and two sections of fence line (Exhibits D and E) to the PID. In order for the PID to maintain the parks and fencing, they must be public property and this item will fulfill that requirement. Maintenance of the parks and fencing is included in the Bell Farms PID Annual Service and Assessment Plan, and upon acceptance, the Bell Farms PID will maintain these properties. Staff will assist the Bell Farms PID Advisory Board with creating maintenance specifications, and will issue a contract through the City's procurement process.
The Bell Farms PID Advisory Board voted to accept this property from Betenbough Homes, LLC at their August 4, 2023 Regular Board Meeting.
Fiscal Impact
The cost to maintain the properties is included in the FY 2022-23 Bell Farms PID Service and Assessment Plan, as adopted by the City Council.
Staff/Board Recommending
D. Blu Kostelich, Chief Financial Officer Bell Farms Public Improvements District Advisory Board