Resolution - Public Transit Services: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Transit System Management Contract, and all related documents, by and between the City of Lubbock and RATP Dev USA, Inc., to manage and operate the public transportation system owned by the City of Lubbock.
Item Summary
A Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued by the Purchasing Department, for a contractor who will operate the City's transit system.
In response to RFP 23-17282-MA, a sole proposal by RATP Dev USA, Inc. was received by the Purchasing Department. RATP's fees for an initial 5-year period with 2 optional 5-year periods are shown in the following table.
Initial Five-Year Period:
Annual Compensation for Services Rendered:
FY 2024
FY 2025
FY 2026
FY 2027
FY 2028
Citibus Staff and the Public Transit Advisory Board recommend the contract be awarded to RATP Dev USA, Inc.
All assets associated with the transit system are City-owned.
Circumstances regarding services provided to the Adult Day Center (ADC) include the following:
The service for ADC is run through the Citibus ADA complimentary paratransit service (Access). Citibus is staying in compliance with ADA and managing rides throughout the community for all ADA certified passengers, while maximizing efficiency. The fare is $2 per trip.
Citibus offered to contract with ADC outside the ADA paratransit service, and proposed that ADC would pay current Medicaid rates of $34 for ambulatory passengers plus mileage, and $40 for wheelchair passengers plus mileage. ADC declined that offer. ADC receives $30 per day/per person for transportation.
ADC requests that all clients are dropped off at the beginning of the day, and picked up at the end of the day, by specific times. Timing of trips during AM/PM peak times puts pressure on the system, which at times causes lateness and multiple vehicles being sent to pick-up/drop-off at the same group home. Many factors affect the service.
Significant increase in trips to/from ADC
November 2022 – averaged 55 trips per day to/from ADC.
July 2023 – averaged 103 trips per day to/from ADC.
Only thirty-five (35) times out of the last five (5) months, has Citibus transported only one passenger at a time, to or from ADC. All other trips have been grouped with 2 or more passengers.
Citibus staff is in daily contact with ADC staff regarding trips and scheduling.
Changes in paratransit fleet, why, & results:
Large paratransit vehicles accommodating up to 4 wheelchairs, were only needed for two (2) service hours each day, AM and PM peak. All other service hours, the maximum number of wheelchair positions needed on a vehicle is two (2).
Needed to purchase significant number of vehicles on restricted budget.
Started purchasing smaller paratransit vehicles in 2020. Vehicles were readily available with quick turnaround time. Could purchase more vehicles with same funds. Larger vehicles cost more and had long lead times.
The smaller vehicles replaced older vehicles that had exceeded their useful life, thereby reducing operating, maintenance and parts costs.
How changes in fleet helped rest of system
Service enhancements due to the change in fleet and implementation of SPARE scheduling and routing platform:
Citibus is able to carry more passengers, more efficiently, with the same number of vehicles.
2019 – 358 per day
2023 – 527 per day
On-time performance has significantly improved.
2019 – average 70% per month
2023 – average 95% per month
Automated notifications are sent to passengers through the SPARE platform that informs passengers of bus arrival and any delays.
SPARE optimizes trips every 10 minutes, to find ways to maximize efficiency by moving trips, if necessary.
Fiscal Impact
The first year cost of the contract is $264,360, and is funded in the Proposed FY 2023-24 Budget.
Staff/Board Recommending
Bill Howerton, Deputy City Manager Chris Mandrell, General Manager of Citibus Public Transit Advisory Board