Resolution - Information Technology: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Purchase Order 33100048, with Dell Marketing LP, for the purchase of Dell Power Scale Data Storage systems to replace existing data storage infrastructure and provide additional data storage capacity.
Item Summary
The purchase of the Power Scale Chassis, Switches, and Licenses, will replace existing systems that are at, or approaching end of service life. The purchase will also provide additional data storage capacity to support the growing City of Lubbock network. The purchase of the Power Scale products will enhance information security, system redundancy, performance and reliability, and is expandable in the future with other Dell data storage products.
The purchase of the Data Center hardware for the Power Scale is made available through the State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) Contract DIR-TSO-3763. Texas Local Government Code Chapter 271.083 authorizes local governments to acquire hardware, software, and other Information Technology products through the DIR program. Pursuant to the Texas Government Code Chapter 791.025, purchases from DIR contracts meet competitive bid requirements.
Fiscal Impact
The purchase price of $665,967.63 for the Dell Power Scale Chassis, Switches, and Licenses is funded in the FY22-23 Information Technology and Telecommunications Operating Budgets and Capital Improvement Project 92754- Cybersecurity Infrastructure.
Staff/Board Recommending
Brooke Witcher, Assistant City Manager James C. Brown, Chief Information Officer