Resolution - Police: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an interlocal agreement with Lubbock County, Texas, allocating and transferring 50% of the City's Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) award under the FY2023 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Grant Program, to Lubbock County, in order to fund the Lubbock County Joint Enforcement Initiative.
Item Summary
The purpose of this interlocal agreement with Lubbock County, Texas, is to fund the Lubbock County Joint Enforcement Initiative Program, utilizing $228,709 awarded from the FY2023 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Grant Program.
The City of Lubbock and Lubbock County are each eligible to receive funding and agree to share the grant equally, with each receiving $114,354.50. The Lubbock Police Department (LPD) will manage the grant.
Fiscal Impact
The City's portion of the grant is $114,354.50 and does not require a local match.