Resolution - Parks and Recreation: Consider a resolution authorizing the City Council to reject any and all bids received for the Citizen's Tower Landscape Maintenance Project.
Item Summary
ITB 23-17458-DH was the bid issued for landscape maintenance including mowing, litter pick-up, flowerbed care, and other tasks for Citizens Tower, Municipal Court, and the City Utilities Building.
The sole bid was received from Flatland Provisions LLC, of Shallowater, Texas, for $65,860.
The bid specifications for the ITB did not include the future Lubbock Police Department Headquarter Building (PDHQ) landscape maintenance plan. Therefore, staff recommends that the City Council reject any and all bids submitted for ITB 23-17485-DH. Staff will work to add in specifications for the future PDHQ landscaped areas with the intention of rebidding at a later date. The Parks and Recreation Department will continue to maintain the grounds until a contract is awarded.