Resolution - Lubbock Fire Rescue: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 17449, with Lee Lewis Construction, Inc., for the construction of Fire Station 20 located at 3210 142nd Street.
Item Summary
RFP 23-17449-KM.
This contract is for the construction of a 15,483 sq. ft. Fire Station located at 3210 142nd in south Lubbock to serve the active business and residential development in that area.
Proposals for the project were obtained using the competitive sealed proposal procedure prescribed by Texas Local Government Code, Sections 252.043 (e) and 271.116. Using the competitive sealed proposal procedures helps local governments attract contractors who otherwise would not have had an interest in participating on the basis of low bid and gives the City the ability to bring the project in within budget with the contractor who offers the best value. Proposals were solicited with a single firm responding back with a sealed proposal. This general contractor submitted a proposal and was evaluated and ranked in relation to the published selection criteria pursuant to Texas Local Government Code, Section 271.116(d). This firm is from Lubbock, Texas. The proposal was evaluated using the following criteria: Price (60%), Contractor Qualifications (20%), Safety Record (10%) and Construction Time (10%). After the proposal was evaluated, the following ranking was obtained: 1.) Lee Lewis, Lubbock, Texas. Time for completion is 400 consecutive calendar days and liquidated damages are $500 per calendar day. Texas Local Government Code, Section 271.116(f) requires the City to select the offeror that offers the best value based on published selection criteria and on its ranking evaluation. In determining the best value, the City is not restricted to considering price alone, and considers other factors stated in the selection criteria. The City and its engineer or architect may discuss with the selected offeror options for a scope or time modification. Staff and Evaluation committee recommends award to the most qualified proposer, Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. of Lubbock Texas for $9,289,800 and with 400 consecutive days for final completion.
Fiscal Impact
$10,645,000 is approved in Capital Improvement Project 92711 Fire Station 20 with $9,289,800 available for this purpose.