Resolution - Engineering: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Change Order No. 1 to Contract 16917, by and between the City of Lubbock and Lone Star Dirt and Paving, Ltd., for Erskine Street Reconstruction Projects.
Item Summary
The City of Lubbock continues to strive to meet the transportation needs of its citizens. It is important that the City of Lubbock continue to anticipate the infrastructure needs for a growing population, in order to provide a safe and effective transportation system. Erskine Street needs to be widened to accommodate an increase in traffic, due to continued growth of the Frenship School district, as well as directly serving the North West Police Substation and Fire Station 4.
This roadway is designated in the 2018 Thoroughfare Master Plan to become a modified principal arterial. Erskine Street will be built as a concrete 5-lane multi-modal roadway with the Milwaukee Avenue and Erskine Street Intersection to be built to interim 3-lane conditions. This intersection will be built to ultimate conditions, with the upcoming Milwaukee Avenue from 4th Street to North City Limits Bond Project.
Change Order No. 1 to Contract 16917 includes additional bid tab items for the construction of a new water line to improve water system reliability, and to prevent homeowners from being without water during this construction. This also includes the construction of guardrail and additional concrete riprap along the side of a large drainage channel to prevent erosion and improve the safety of citizens that drive alongside the channel.
Fiscal Impact
Change Order No. 2 for $177,486.50, is funded in Capital Improvements Project 92713, Erskine Street.
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager Mike Keenum, P.E., CFM Division Director of Engineering/City Engineer