Resolution - Engineering: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Professional Services Agreement 17314, by and between the City of Lubbock and Freese and Nichols, Inc., for the Mackenzie Park Dam Evaluation and Restoration.
Item Summary
Mackenzie Park plays an integral role to the surrounding communities with plenty of extracurricular activities like fishing, disc golf, dog park, etc. Along with this information, the Lubbock Parks and Recreation Department recently completed their Master Plan for future improvements. Part of this plan includes proposed trails, new canoe launch areas, and informational signage about the park, that are all within this area.
With the upgrades that are being introduced to the park and events that are held, it is important to evaluate the condition of the structure and perform the necessary repairs and upgrades to make sure it is safe and up to proper standards.
The City issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for professional services regarding the Mackenzie Park Dam Evaluation and Restoration.
In response to RFQ 23-17314-KM, 2 consultants submitted proposals for the Mackenzie Park Dam Evaluation and Restoration. The proposals were evaluated based on the following criteria: Project Team Organization and Qualifications - 30 points, Experience on Similar Projects - 30 points, Project Approach - 30 Points, and Overall Responsiveness to the RFQ - 10 points.
After evaluating the proposals, the Evaluation Committee provided the following ranking.
Staff and the Evaluation Committee recommend award of the contract to Freese and Nichols, Inc., of Fort Worth, Texas for a total amount not to exceed $159,639.
Staff recommends execution of this contract based upon fair and reasonable hourly wages agreed for a total amount not to exceed $159,639, with a contract time of 183 days.
Fiscal Impact
This contract is not to exceed $159,639, and is funded in Capital Improvements Project 92798, Mackenzie Park Dam Evaluation and Restoration.
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager Michael Keenum, P.E., Division Director of Engineering/City Engineer