Resolution - Public Health Services: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 17398, and all related documents, by and between the City of Lubbock and Initium Health, for a Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan.
Item Summary
This agreement will allow the consultant to provide professional services to conduct data collection, analysis, and reporting of the Community Health Assessment (CHA) and the development of a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) for Lubbock County and the surrounding area. The contractor will facilitate and coordinate activities associated with this project in partnership with Lubbock Public Health and community partners. The Consultant will explore the overall health of Lubbock County and the surrounding area by identifying strengths, weaknesses, and barriers for all residents by conducting an assessment that combines data analysis with robust community engagement and participation. The Consultant will use the results of the assessment to aid in the development of a strategic plan to guide a community initiative and address identified needs.
The City issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide a Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan for the City of Lubbock Public Health Department.
In response to RFP 23-17398-YB, responses were received from 10 consultants.
The Evaluation Committee used the following criteria in ranking the consultants: 30 Points for Project Approach and Methodology, 25 Points for Staff Qualifications and Experience, 15 Points for Quality of Work Samples, 15 Points for Timeline, and 15 Points for Budget and Proposed Fees.The Evaluation Committee provided the following ranking.
Initium Health, Denver, Colorado
Health Management Associates, Inc., Lansing, Michigan
Moxley Public Health, LLC, West Liberty, Ohio
Kulik Strategic Advisers, Dawsonville, Georgia
Conduent Healthy Communities, Corp., Florham Park, New Jersey