Resolution - Public Transit Services: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute FY 2024 Section 5307 Grant, TxDOT URB 2403 (05), Project ID 51309030524, with the Texas Department of Transportation for operating assistance for Citibus.
Item Summary
TxDOT is allocating a Section 5307 grant in the amount of $655,365 of public transportation funds to the City of Lubbock for operating assistance to maintain its public transportation system (Citibus) for Fiscal Year 2024. The FY 2024 Section 5307 grant is included in the Citibus budget for FY 2024.
Citibus operates public transportation in both a fixed route and demand response service. The routes originate in downtown Lubbock and provide service to various locations throughout the City. All vehicles are accessible to persons with disabilities. The ADA complementary service and the general public OnDemand microtransit service serves origins and destinations within the city limits. All services operate under guidelines from federal, state, and local authorities for maintaining buses, facilities, preventative maintenance, and safety. The major trip generators include the medical center, education facilities, employment providers, social service agencies, and shopping centers.
The contract is effective from September 1, 2023, or when fully executed by both parties, and shall terminate on August 31, 2024.
TxDOT requires that all grants must be executed electronically.
Fiscal Impact
Acceptance of this grant will result in no additional cost to the City of Lubbock.
Staff/Board Recommending
Bill Howerton, Deputy City Manager Chris Mandrell, General Manager of Citibus Lubbock Public Transit Advisory Board