Resolutions - Finance: Consider four resolutions authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 17361 with Premier Waterworks, Inc., Contract 17508 with Core and Main, LP, Contract 17507 with Ferguson Enterprises, Inc., and Contract 17509 with O'Tool Plastic Pipe, Inc., for water inventory items.
Item Summary
An Invitation to Bid (ITB) was issued by the City Purchasing Department for annual pricing of inventory item for the day-to-day operations, maintenance, and construction requirements for the Water Department.
In response to ITB 23-1736-SB, 4 vendors responded with the following bids.
Premier Waterworks, Inc., Lubbock, Texas
Core and Main, LP, Lubbock, Texas
Ferguson Waterworks, Lubbock, Texas
O'Tool Industries, Lubbock, Texas
Staff recommends contract awards to the 4 lowest bidders meeting the specifications as follows: Premier Waterworks, Inc. of Lubbock, Texas, Core and Main, LP of Lubbock, Texas, Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. of Lubbock, Texas, and O'Tool Plastic Pipe, Inc. of Lubbock, Texas.
The contracts establish pricing for the purchase of inventory items for the day-to-day operations, maintenance, and construction requirements for the Water Department. A tabulation sheet is attached.
The contracts are awarded by the unit price.The total amount of the award is estimated based on expected quantities, and actual expenditures may be more or less depending on actual quantities. The term of each contract is one year with the option of 4 additional one-year renewals.
Fiscal Impact
The items on contract are purchased as inventory (cost of goods sold) and are subsequently charged to the appropriate department's operating budget or capital project.