Resolution - Lubbock Power & Light: Consider a resolution adopting the Electric Rate/Tariff Schedule of Lubbock Power & Light, the City of Lubbock's municipally owned electric utility, applicable to all rate classes, effective October 1, 2023.
Item Summary
A clean copy of the Tariff, along with a red-lined copy of the Tariff, is provided for back up. The attached Tariff does not include a rate increase for any rate class. The material changes in the Tariff for Council consideration are summarized as follows:
I. Statement of Purpose:
Added language to clarify that the current Tariff is effective October 1, 2023, and will be applicable to all Customers prior to LP&L's transition to retail competition. Once the Customer has transitioned to retail competition, LP&L's Delivery Service Tariff shall apply.
II. Agreed Payment Arrangement, Section III-12e:
Updated agreed payment arrangement language for clarity and conciseness disclosing that no agreements will be extended beyond the first date that LP&L customers enter retail competition.
III. Budget Billing – Section removed for rate classes 1, 3, and 5:
Removed budget billing section as the budget billing program was phased out in FY 2022-23.
VI. Guard Light and Flood Lights:
The Guard Light and Flood light services have been removed due to the transition to retail choice.
Fiscal Impact
The attached Tariff does not include a rate increase for any rate class.
Staff/Board Recommending
Joel Ivy, Executive Director of Electric Utilities Electric Utility Board