Resolution - Public Works Streets: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 17505, with West Texas Paving, for the repair of failed paved areas on 82nd Street between Slide Road and Milwaukee Avenue.
Item Summary
This project will repair cracked and broken asphalt paving in targeted areas on 82nd Street between Slide Road and Milwaukee Avenue. Previously identified failed asphalt areas will be mechanically milled to a depth of two inches and new hot mix asphalt concrete will be installed.
The City issued an Invitation to Bid (ITB) for 2" Mill & Relay 82nd Street, Slide Road to Milwaukee Avenue.
In response to ITB 23-17505-DH, two bids were received and opened on August 15, 2023. They were as follows:
West Texas Paving, Wolfforth, Texas
$ 628,000
Lone Star Dirt and Paving Inc., Lubbock, Texas
Staff recommends award to the lowest bidder, West Texas Paving of Wolfforth, Texas, for $628,000.
This contract is awarded by the unit price. The total amount of the award is estimated based on expected quantities and actual expenditures may be more or less depending on actual quantities. The price per unit will not change. Time for completion is 55 calendar days with liquidated damages of $1,204.28 for each consecutive calendar day.
Fiscal Impact
Contract 17505 for $628,000, is funded in the Capital Improvements Project 92794, Street Maintenance Program 2023.
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager L. Wood Franklin, P.E., Division Director of Public Works