Ordinance 1st Reading - Right-of-Way: Consider an ordinance abandoning and closing a portion of alley right-of-way located in Block 101, Original Town of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, dedicated by map, plat and/or dedication deed recorded in Volume 5, Page 384 of the deed records of Lubbock County, Texas; and abandoning and closing three (3) overhead utility easements and three (3) underground utility easements also located in Block 101, Original Town of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas.
Item Summary
The City of Lubbock is in receipt of a request to abandon and close remaining portions of an alley and six utility easements located between Avenue K and Avenue L, and between 10th Street and Main Street, the Kimmel Center, within Block 101, Original Town of Lubbock. New easements will be granted with the replat as necessary, for any utilities which will be reconfigured or remain in place for the proposed development.
Portions of the alley were closed previously, leaving remnant pieces and reservations from previous closures. The closure fee due to the City of Lubbock is $750, and this closure will accommodate plans for the Kimmel Center Redevelopment.
All City departments and franchise utility companies are in agreement with the closure.
Fiscal Impact
$750 in revenue to the General Fund
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager Michael G. Keenum, P.E., Division Director of Engineering/City Engineer