Ordinance 2nd Reading - Finance: Consider Ordinance No. 2023-O0108, approving and adopting a budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24; approving summary of estimated and forecasted revenues, appropriations, and use of excess reserves for all funds of the city; providing for necessary transfers of funds between accounts and departments, if required; authorizing reduction of spending by City Manager if necessary; re-appropriation of balances which support authorized obligations or encumbrances; providing for filing of Adopted Budget; establishing civil service classifications and positions; appropriating funds for the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Operating Budget and Capital Program of the City of Lubbock; approving all permit, license, fees, and charges for service recommended to be adjusted; approving the pay plan and positions; approving personnel; amending section 4.02.041 of the Code of Ordinances amending animal service fees as contained therein; amending section 22.03.084 of the Code of Ordinances amending the water base charge as contained therein; amending section 22.03.085 of the Code of Ordinances amending the water volume rate as contained therein; amending section 22.03.095 of the Code of Ordinances by revising the water utility reconnect and disconnect fees as contained therein; amending section 22.04.133(A) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising the significant industrial user permit fee as contained therein; amending section 22.04.174 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by adding a weekend dumping fee as contained therein; amending section 22.06.051 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising the solid waste landfill service fees as contained therein; amending section 22.06.185(A) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising the solid waste collections service fees as contained therein; providing for the reconciliation of the transfer of funds from the General Fund to Enterprise Funds; accepting the budgets for Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Market Lubbock, Inc., Civic Lubbock, Inc., and Vintage Township Public Facilities Corporation; finding that proper notice of meeting provided by law and ratifying such; providing a penalty; providing for publication; and providing for a savings clause.
Item Summary
On September 5, 2023, the City Council approved the first reading of the ordinance.
This is the second reading of the ordinance adopting the City's FY 2023-24 Operating Budget and Capital Program. The budget ordinance must be considered prior to consideration of the tax rate.This ordinance incorporates the operating and capital budgets that have been proposed by the City Manager. The property tax rate proposed by the City Council is $0.4801640 per $100 valuation. The following changes that impact the FY 2023-24 Proposed Operating Budget and Capital Program have occurred since the proposed budget was filed on August 10, 2023:
General Fund
Add monthly commercial garbage charge for 8 cubic yard dumpster to Summary of General Fund Fee Changes; General Consumer Metered 7523 – Budget 2024
$ 183.25
Add monthly small commercial charge to Summary of General Fund Fee Changes; General Consumer Metered 7523 – Budget 2024
$ 36.38
Add Not Covered during transit non-commercial vehicle to dumping waste surcharge to Summary of General Fund Fee Changes; Landfill Surcharge 6630 – Budget 2024
$ 15.00
Add Not Covered during transit commercial vehicle to dumping waste surcharge to Summary of General Fund Fee Changes; Landfill Surcharge 6630 – Budget 2024
$ 30.00
Increase Office Supplies to City Secretary for Vital Statistics
$ 4,874
Increase Use of Excess Reserves
Decrease Stability Pay to City Manager's Office
$ (5,500)
Decrease Use of Excess Reserves
Decrease in Non-Departmental Special Projects
$ (75,000)
Decrease in Credit Card Charges to Building Inspection
Decrease Use of Excess Reserves
Water/Wastewater Fund
Add septic tank emptying load fees to Summary of Water/Wastewater Fund Fee Changes; Septic Load Fees 7604 – Budget 2024
$ 0.00371 per gallon
Investment Pool Fund
Increase Use of Excess Reserves for Additional Cost of Living Adjustment
$ 976
Fleet Capital Fund CIP 92850 General Fund Vehicle Replacement FY 24 Tax Notes
Remove two E1 Aerial Ladder Fire Trucks from Vehicle Replacement List
$ (4,000,000)
Decrease Tax Notes Funding
Grant Fund
Increase Justice Assistance Grant funding and appropriation
$ 7,277
Increase Public Health Emergency Preparedness Grant funding and appropriation
Decrease Regional and Local Service System/Local Public Health System (RLSS) Grant funding and appropriation
Decrease Immunization Branch - Local Grant funding and appropriation
Increase Texas Epidemiology Capacity Expansion Grant funding and appropriation
Decrease Substance Use Disorder Administrative Grant funding and appropriation
Increase Adult Treatment (TRA) Grant funding and appropriation
Decrease Specialized Female Treatment (TRF) Grant funding and appropriation
Decrease Prevention Resources Center Grant funding and appropriation
Increase STD/HIV-DIS Grant funding and appropriation
Decrease Safety City Grant funding and appropriation
Decrease Section 5304 Planning Grant funding and appropriation
Decrease Internet Crimes Against Children funding and appropriation
Included as Exhibit G in the proposed Budget Ordinance are the changes that have occurred since the FY 2023-24 Operating Budget and Capital Program was filed with the City Secretary on August 10, 2023, and all changes to the FY 2022-23 Adopted Budget and Capital Program that have been approved since the presentation of the FY 2023-24 Budget.