Ord 24-518 Approve Zone Change from Institutional District (I) and Single Family Residential-9 District (SR-9) to Institutional District with a Planned Development Overlay (I-PD) at 108 West New York Avenue and Property Located at Southeast Corner of West Custer Avenue and Kentucky Street (Parcel 1500740100) (Plan Commission Recommends Approval) (Stephenson)
The subject area included in the zone change request consists of two parcels totaling 5.93 acres, with frontage on West New York Avenue, Kentucky Street, Central Street, and West Custer Avenue. The property located at 108 West New York Avenue is the former Merrill School site and the property located at the southeast corner of West Custer Avenue and Kentucky Street is a vacant residential property. The surrounding area consists of residential uses and Vel Philips Middle School to the west. The 2040 Comprehensive Plan recommends Community Facility use for the former Merrill School property and Light Density Residential for the vacant residential property.
The zone change request includes the former Merrill School site and an adjoining vacant residential lot that has been purchased by the Oshkosh Area School District. The applicant is requesting to have both of these lots rezoned to Institutional district with a Planned Development Overlay (I-PD). This zone change is intended to provide consistent zoning for the subject properties to allow a lot combination and to allow flexibility of the zoning ordinance for proposed athletic fields to be utilized by Vel Philips Middle School. The applicant has submitted plans for the proposed athletic fields, which do not meet off-street parking requirements. The applicant has submitted an application for General Development Plan (GDP) and Specific Implementation Plan (SIP) approval, which will be considered at the September 10th, 2024 Common Council meeting.
Staff is supportive of the proposed zone change to include a Planned Development Overlay as it may serve to accommodate future land use needs for the site. The Planned Development Overlay is also beneficial as it will allow for further review of future plans to mitigate potential impacts on neighboring residential properties. Although the vacant residential property has a 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan recommendation of Light Density Residential, staff does not have concerns with the proposed rezone as the Comprehensive Plan is not intended to be parcel specific and the proposed I-PD zoning will be consistent with Institutional zoning of neighboring properties to the south and west, which are utilized by the Oshkosh Area School District.
The Plan Commission recommended approval of the requested zone change with findings on August 20, 2024. Please see the attached staff report and meeting minutes for more information.