Resolutions - Public Transit Services: Consider resolutions authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 18183 with AEG Petroleum, Contract 18293 with United Oil & Grease, Contract 18291 with RelaDyne, and Contract 18290 with Arnold Oil Company of Austin, L.P., for motor oil and lubricants for Citibus.
Item Summary
Due to the ending of the Citibus Motor Oil and Lubricants contract, new contracts are needed for the purchase of motor oil and lubricants for all Citibus vehicles. The City of Lubbock issued an Invitation to Bid (ITB) for Motor Oil and Lubricants for Citibus.
The bid included 10 different products, and bids were broken down into individual line items for award to the lowest bidder(s) of each item. Contracts are awarded by line item and unit price. Some line items may be awarded to multiple bidders in order to ensure availability of the product. Bid Tab Tables are attached.
If the lowest bidder is unable to provide the product, staff will move to the contracted vendor with the next lowest price. Multiple contracts will be awarded for this bid. Contracts are awarded for one year, with 2, one-year extensions. The total amount of the award is estimated based on expected quantities, and actual expenditures may differ depending on actual quantities purchased. The price per unit will not change.
In response to ITB 24-18183-KM, the following bids were received and opened on August 6, 2024.
Texas Enterprises Inc. dba United Oil and Grease, Austin, Texas
Reladyne, Tye, Texas
Arnold Oil Company of Austin, Austin, Texas
Romeo Enterprises LLC, Piscataway, New Jersey
** Contract 18292 with Safety-Kleen Systems does not exceed the $50,000 threshold that requires City Council approval.
Individual contracts will be awarded to AEG Petroleum of Amarillo, Texas, Texas Enterprises, Inc. dba United Oil & Grease of Austin, Texas, Reladyne of Tye, Texas, and Arnold Oil Company of Austin, Austin, Texas.
The contracts will begin upon approval by the City Council.
Fiscal Impact
The cost of these contracts are included in the FY 2025 Citibus Budget. There will be no additional cost to the City of Lubbock.
Staff/Board Recommending
Bill Howerton, Deputy City Manager Chris Mandrell, General Manager of Citibus Public Transit Advisory Board
Resolution - AEG Petroleum
Contract 18183 - AEG Petroleum
Resolution 18293 – United Oil & Grease
Contract 18293 – United Oil & Grease
Resolution 18291 - RelaDyne
Contract 18291 - RelaDyne
Resolution 18290 – Arnold Oil Company of Austin, L.P
Contract 18290 – Arnold Oil Company of Austin, L.P