Resolution - Lubbock Fire Rescue: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Purchase Order 10027880, with Stallion Air, Incorporated, for a breathing air compressor for Fire Station 20.
Item Summary
This breathing air compressor is needed for the refill of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (SCUBA) at the new Fire Station 20.
This is a sole source acquisition required to be a direct purchase from the manufacturer, to ensure standardization of equipment within the department. Maintaining comparable equipment will sustain continuity of operations and mitigate the need for additional service and maintenance training, as well as maintaining the parts inventory attended to by department personnel.
Staff recommends Purchase Order 10027880 to Stallion Air, Incorporated of Ramseur, North Carolina, for $75,432.72.
Fiscal Impact
Purchase Order 10027880, for $75,432.72 is funded in Capital Improvement Project, Fire Station 20.