Resolution - Public Works Wastewater: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Purchase Order 23105890, with James, Cook, Hobson, to purchase one Flygt Submersible Pump for use at the Plant 4 Intermediate Lift Station at the Southeast Water Reclamation Plant.
Item Summary
All wastewater entering the Southeast Water Reclamation Plant first passes through an intermediate lift station to begin the treatment process. Within the lift station, there are 4 large submersible pumps that pump sewage to the headworks area to begin screening the wastewater. Operation of these 4 pumps is critical for the continuous delivery of wastewater to the plant for initial treatment.
The design of the lift station requires pumps that are manufactured by Flygt pumps, which have proven reliability in the wastewater system. As a proactive approach to prevent catastrophic wastewater spilling into the adjacent creek, it is incumbent upon the City to purchase this pump as a backup for the in-service pumps, in the event of equipment failure.
As shown on the supporting price quote from the sole source vendor, James, Cook, Hobson (JCH), the approximate lead time to purchase this pump is 12-14 weeks after receipt of the order. In the event of an in-service failure, it is imperative to have a replacement pump on standby for immediate exchange, which is easily accomplished by City staff. This pump is an exact replacement that fits the existing piping precisely and is available from only one source, JCH. The unit cost for replacement is $87,914.
Fiscal Impact
Purchase Order 23105890, with JCH, for $87,914 is funded in Capital Improvements Project 92803, Water Reclamation Plant Replacement.
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager L. Wood Franklin, P.E., Director of Public Works