Resolution - Right-of-Way: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to accept, for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, one (1) Street, Public Use, and Right-of-Way Deed, and all related documents, in connection with certain real property located in Section 43, Block AK, Lubbock County, Texas (Parcel 15), on the north side of 34th Street, between Rochester Avenue and Quincy Avenue, east of Parcel 14, to be utilized for the 34th Street - Upland Avenue to Milwaukee Avenue Project, which is a portion of the 2022 Street Bond Project.
Item Summary
Chase and Jodi Hall are dedicating right-of-way to the City of Lubbock to be utilized for roadway improvements on the 34th Street: Upland Avenue to Milwaukee Avenue Capital Improvements Bond Project on the north side of 34th Street, between Rochester Avenue and Quincy Avenue, east of Parcel 14.
The proponents will dedicate a 57,891 square feet tract of land for $485,384 plus closing costs, for street right-of-way purpose, subject to final approval by the City Council and approval of title.
Fiscal Impact
The cost of the land acquisition is $485,384 plus closing costs. This acquisition is funded in Capital Improvements Project 92813, 34th Street: Upland Avenue to Milwaukee Avenue – 22B.
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager Bailey Ratcliffe, P.E., Interim Division Director of Engineering/City Engineer