Resolution - Public Transit Services: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Purchase Agreement, by and between the City of Lubbock and the City of Albuquerque, for the transfer of Genfare Fast Fare fareboxes.
Item Summary
Citibus has been working with the City of Albuquerque and the Federal Transit Administration on the transfer of 21 Genfare Fast Fare fareboxes. The Genfare Fast Fare fareboxes accept multiple forms of payment media, which will allow Citibus to provide up-to-date and efficient fare payment options for their passengers. The City of Albuquerque recently adopted a zero fare policy and no longer needs the fareboxes that were part of a recent bus order. Citibus intends to use the Genfare Fast Fare fareboxes to replace aging equipment on the fixed route buses.
The City of Albuquerque paid $24,578.00 for each farebox, using a federal grant that had an 85% federal portion and a 15% local match requirement. The total cost of the fareboxes was $516,138.00, of which $438,717.30 were federal dollars and $77,420.70 were local match dollars.
In accordance with FTA C 5010.1E, the Federal Transit Administration has noted that the City of Albuquerque can only be reimbursed for the non-federal dollar of $77,420.70, which is the local match paid by the City of Albuquerque.
Fiscal Impact
The $77,420.70 for the transfer of the fareboxes will be paid with funds from a Federal Transit Administration FY 20 CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) grant. There will be no additional cost to the City of Lubbock.
Staff/Board Recommending
Bill Howerton, Deputy City Manager Chris Mandrell, General Manager of Citibus Public Transit Advisory Board
Resolution - GFI Fareboxes - City of Albuquerque
Purchase Agreement - GFI Fareboxes - City of Albuquerque