Resolution - Business Development: Consider a resolution approving a Downtown Grant Program (Facade) expenditure of Market Lubbock, Inc., to be provided to Pat Kelly Properties, located at 1310 Broadway, pursuant to Article IV, Section 5, of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Market Lubbock Development Corporation.
Item Summary
Pat Kelly Properties is renovating their property at 1310 Broadway, which is located within the Downtown Tax Increment Financing District Boundary, as designated by the City of Lubbock. The scope of the facade project includes new doors, windows, and exterior paint.
The cost of the project is estimated to be $27,605, and the requested grant amount is $13,803. The Market Lubbock, Inc. Board of Directors approved this amount at their October 23, 2024 Board Meeting, and recommends approval by the City Council.
Fiscal Impact
The total cost of the project is estimated to be $27,605, with $13,803 to be paid upon completion by Market Lubbock, Inc. with the requested grant.
Staff/Board Recommending
Bill Howerton, Deputy City Manager Brianna Brown, Business Development Director Market Lubbock, Inc. Board of Directors