Resolution - Facilities Management: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Purchase Order 10027929, with Officewise Commercial Interiors, for the purchase and installation of a Furniture, Fixtures, and an Equipment Package for the new Police Department Forensic Property Facility.
Item Summary
This purchase of furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E) will be for the Police Department Forensic Property Facility currently under construction.
The purchase and installation of FF&E is through OMNIA Contract 2020000622. This Cooperative Purchasing agreement is entered into, by and between governments, pursuant to Section 271.102, of the Local Government Code. The purpose is to obtain the benefits and efficiencies that can accrue to members of a cooperative. Local governments that purchase goods and services under the subchapter satisfy any state law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for the purchase of the goods and services. The local dealer for products under these contracts is Officewise Commercial Interiors.
Staff recommends awarding this contract to Officewise Commercial Interiors, for a purchase price of $99,947.59.
Fiscal Impact
Purchase Order 10027929, with Officewise Commercial Interiors, is funded in Capital Improvement Project No. 92551, Public Safety Improvements Project.
Staff/Board Recommending
Erik Rejino, Assistant City Manager Mark Zavicar, Facilities Director