Budget Ordinance Amendment 1st Reading - Finance: Consider Budget Ordinance Amendment 3, amending the FY 2024-25 Budget for municipal purposes respecting the Grant Fund related to Public Health Services; providing for filing; and providing for a savings clause.
Item Summary
Accept and appropriate an additional $110,000 for the Health Disparities Grant, making it a total of $685,000 from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS).
Accept and appropriate an additional $229,232 for the Sexually Transmitted Disease/Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease Intervention Specialists Grant, making it a total of $1,408,139 from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS)
This additional $110,000 is for a DSHS Health Disparities Grant, Contract No. HHS001057600030, Grant number 81160. The Health Disparities Grant was initially awarded to the Public Health Department in September 2021, to fund projects to improve community health. The grant will fund contracted Community Health Workers (Premier Staffing or similar) who will support the LBK community network by helping users access the system and supporting individuals in need with accessing services in the community.
This additional $229,232 is for a DSHS Sexually Transmitted Disease/Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease Intervention Specialists Grant (STD/HIV-DIS), Contract No. HHS001120300005. This grant was initially awarded to the Public Health Department in September 2022, to provide financial assistance to strengthen public health follow-up activities for those recently diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease, including treatment, linkage to care, partner notification, and focused screening to at-risk populations. The grant will enable staff to reach individuals outside the traditional clinical setting.
Fiscal Impact
Item I - An increase of $110,000 to the Health Disparities Grant, making it a total of $685,000 from Texas DSHS Item II - An increase of $229,232 to the STD/HIV-DIS Grant, making it a total of $1,408,139 for Texas DSHS