AGENDA ITEM #: 3. DATE: November 6, 2024 CAR #: CASE #: P24-00291
Planning & Zoning Commission ACTION REPORT
Jimmy Carreon, Assistant Planner
This is a request to amend the GSQ Comprehensive Sign Plan. The amendment will include provisions for adjustments to sign types, height allowances, and area allowances for various uses within the property.
Approve the first amendment to the GSQ Comprehensive Sign Plan, subject to stipulations. (Jimmy Carreon, Assistant Planner)
All signs shall be in conformance with the GSQ Comprehensive Sign Plan Amendment #1 (dated October 10, 2024); and
Where permitted within this CSP, a monument, directional or directory sign may utilize only one electronic message display per side; and
Off-site signage is prohibited; and
No signage shall be placed within city rights-of-way.
There is no direct budget impact associated with the approval of the amendment to the GSQ Comprehensive Sign Plan.
The property subject to the GSQ Comprehensive Sign Package Plan is a part of the Goodyear Civic Square Planned Area Development (PAD). The Goodyear Civic Square PAD was approved on July 8, 2019, with the City Council's adoption of Ordinance 2019-1440.
The intent of the Goodyear Civic Square PAD is to create an urban, pedestrian-oriented development that will be a center for civic administration, services and events. The area is also intended for the development of higher intensity office and commercial development. Another key component of the Goodyear Civic Square PAD is the allowance of higher density residential development, which will support the commercial development anticipated in the area and help activate the civic spaces.
A comprehensive sign package for GSQ was approved by the City Council on July 19, 2021.
Current Policy: All Planned Area Developments (PADs) are required to prepare and submit a comprehensive sign package (CSP) for review and approval prior to the issuance of individual sign permits. A CSP provides a comprehensive and coordinated approach to the design of signage that exhibits superior quality and effective messaging. In recognition of the benefits of cohesive and comprehensive sign design, modifications to the signage requirements as established in the city of Goodyear Zoning Ordinance may be appropriate within a CSP.
A minor amendment to an approved CSP in compliance with the requirements provided in Article 7 (Sign Regulations), of the Goodyear Zoning Ordinance may be approved by the Zoning Administrator after review and approval by the Development Review Committee. A major amendment to an approved CSP that proposes an increase in the number of signs, an increase to the size or height of any sign beyond what was approved under the original CSP or modifications to the requirements provided in Article 7 shall be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the City Council. This request is a major amendment, and therefore requires Commission and Council review and approval.
Details of the Request: The request is for the approval of an amendment to the GSQ Comprehensive Sign Plan. A brief description of the proposed sign amendments is provided below:
1. Revised Monument Sign Types at Main Drive Entries Off Perimeter Roadways There are primary and secondary multi-tenant monument signs for GSQ. The original GSQ Comprehensive Sign Plan called for eighteen-foot (18') primary identify tenant monument sign (Sign Type: A-3) to be placed at the main drive entries off perimeter roadways. Whereas a twelve-foot (12') secondary identify tenant monument sign (Sign Type: A-4) would be placed at the main drives internal to the project site. The proposed amendment to the GSQ Comprehensive Sign Plan will allow for either Sign Type A-3 or A-4 to be placed at the main drive entries off perimeter roadways, not just Sign Type A-3.
2. Canopy Signage Allowance The proposed amendment to the GSQ Comprehensive Sign Plan requests canopy signs have a maximum area of fifty percent (50%) of the wall signage allowance versus the twenty-five percent (25%) maximum allowance initially approved, and that canopy sign letters be restricted to two feet (2') in height, except for logos and the first letter of each word, which can be up to four feet (4') in height.
3. Office Building Wall Signage Increase The proposed amendment to the GSQ Comprehensive Sign Plan requests that office building signage be allowed to occupy eighty percent (80%) of the sign band height and width, on both first level and all upper-level signage versus the twelve-inch (12") maximum height for upper-level signage and ten-inch (10") maximum height for first-level signage.
4. Commercial, Retail, and Mixed-Use Wall Signage Increase For commercial, retail and mixed-uses, the proposed amendment to the GSQ Comprehensive Sign Plan proposes 1.5 square feet of copy area per linear foot of building frontage on all elevations regardless of whether the elevation is parallel to Public or Private Streets or an internal circulation drive of a Lot. This varies with the currently approved allowance of 1.5 square feet of sign copy area per linear foot of building frontage for building elevations parallel to Public or Private Streets and 0.5 square feet of sign copy area per linear foot of building frontage for building elevations facing internal circulation drives of a Lot.
5. Drive-Through Directional Signage The proposed amendment to the GSQ Comprehensive Sign Plan requires drive-through directional signage to adhere to the same standards within Article 7 (Sign Regulations) of the Goodyear Zoning Ordinance.
Evaluation Criteria: Per the city of Goodyear Zoning Ordinance, the city's review and recommendation on a comprehensive sign package is to be guided by the following criteria:
1. Size and Height: The comprehensive sign package shall demonstrate that all proposed signage is no larger than necessary for sufficient visibility and legibility. Factors to be considered in determining allowed size and height may include, but are not limited to, topography, traffic volumes, traffic speeds, visibility ranges, copy size and impact on adjacent property.
The proposed monument sign type allowance along perimeter streets does not increase the size and height standards previously approved. The proposed canopy signage allowance will be twenty-five percent (25%) greater than the originally approved canopy signage allowance. The proposed office building wall signage allowance would allow for slightly larger wall signage, depending on tenant sign design. The proposed commercial, retail, and mixed-use building wall signage allowance will increase the previously approved wall signage allowance for internal circulation drives of a Lot from 0.5 square feet of sign copy area per one (1) linear foot of building frontage to 1.5 square feet of sign copy area per one (1) linear foot of building frontage. The application indicates that signage is located to enhance the visibility and branding opportunities for the property owner. As such, the requested size enhancements are supportable.
2. Location and Orientation: Signs should be located and oriented to allow sufficient visibility and legibility for pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Factors that may be considered in reviewing the appropriateness of the sign location and orientation may include, but are not limited to, location relative to the surrounding streets and land uses, traffic volumes and access points, visibility angles and topographic features.
There are no sign location/orientation changes being proposed. The sign setbacks, separations, and locations in the originally approved GSQ Comprehensive Sign Plan are intended to provide for maximum visibility while also promoting pedestrian and vehicular safety. Therefore, staff finds the proposed modifications are appropriate and supportable.
3. Design, Colors and Materials: Signs proposed under the comprehensive sign package shall be harmonious with and enhance the architecture and theme of the specific development in which the signs are located. Compatibility with the specific development shall include the use of complementary colors, materials and architectural style.
The amendment to the GSQ Comprehensive Sign Plan does not alter the design, colors, and materials of the approved CSP.
4. Surrounding Land Uses: Signs shall not adversely impact adjacent land uses, especially adjacent residential land uses. The comprehensive sign package shall demonstrate the measures that will be taken to ensure the proposed signage will not adversely impact adjacent land uses in terms of lighting, size, location and orientation.
Goodyear Civic Square is a mixed-use area that includes commercial, entertainment, recreational and residential development of varying densities. The proposed signage amendment to the GSQ Comprehensive Sign Plan will not adversely impact these surrounding uses given their size, location and orientation should match the intensity of these surrounding developments and their associated signage. As such, staff finds the intended signage will not adversely affect any adjacent land uses and is therefore appropriate and supportable.
Staff Findings: The request for an amendment to the GSQ Comprehensive Sign Plan meets the evaluation criteria for a CSP as set forth in Article 7, Sign Regulations, of the Zoning Ordinance.