City Council Memorandum Development Services Memo No. 24-014
May 6, 2024
Mayor and Council
Joshua H. Wright, City Manager Andy Bass, Deputy City Manager & Acting Development Services Director
Alisa Petterson, Senior Planner
PLH23-0055 Irgens Ascend Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 5091
Amend existing Planned Area Development (PAD) zoning to allow showroom uses.
Generally located at the northwest corner of Germann and Cooper roads.
Garry Hays, The Law Offices of Garry D. Hays, PC
Proposed Motion:
Rezoning Move City Council adopt Ordinance No. 5091 approving PLH23-0055 Irgens Ascend, amending the existing Planned Area Development (PAD) zoning to allow showroom uses, subject to the conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission.
Background Data:
Proposed development is Phase I of two planned phases of the subject 20.5-acre site.
Phase I includes the development of 13.4 acres, designated as Building A on Lot 1 and Building D on Lot 5.
Phase I also provides an improved driveway connection from Building A and Building D to Cooper Road to the east.
Phase II will be developed under a separate PDP request and is expected to include development of 7.1 acres designated as Lots 2, 3 and 5 that front onto Cooper Road.
Property is currently zoned PAD under DVR04-0037 Chandler Airport Center. Current allowable uses include Commercial Midrise (office and light industrial), Commercial Freeway (restaurant, gas, retail) and Commercial Hotel / Retail-Midrise (hotels, commercial uses, restaurants, office).
Request includes amending the Planned Area Development (PAD) zoning to allow showroom uses on the subject site.
Surrounding Land Use Data:
Existing commercial / office / business park buildings, then Northrop Boulevard, then a commercial building
Germann Road, then a vacant parcel zoned PAD for Business Park uses and an existing industrial building
Cooper Road, then an existing 4-story hotel and a future 4-story hotel
Existing commercial / office / business park buildings
General Plan and Area Plan Designations:
General Plan
Employment within the Chandler Airpark growth area
No change
(insert area plan name if any)
Innovation District
No change
Proposed Development
Northwest corner of Cooper Road and Germann Road
Subject Site
Phase I: West side of site - Lots 1 and 5 (13.4 acres) Phase II: East side of site - Lots 2, 3 and 4 (7.1 acres) Combined total acreage: 20.5 total acres
Building Square Footage
Phase I: Two buildings totaling 184,497 sq. ft. Phase II: To be determined through a separate PDP application
Max Building Height
47 ft. (allowable due to existing Mid-Rise Overlay)
Building Setbacks
Building A front at Northrop Boulevard: 30 ft. required, approximately 164 ft. provided
Building D front at Germann Road: 50 ft. required, approximately 95 ft. provided
Building sides (at interior property lines / non-streets): 20 ft. required, 20 ft. minimum provided
Building rears: Building A: 20 ft. required, approximately 108 ft. provided Building D: 20 ft. required, approximately 75 ft. provided
Site Access
Building A: Primary - new driveway off Northrop Blvd. (north) Secondary - new driveway off Cooper Rd. (east) Additional - new & existing driveways off Germann Rd. (south)
Building D: Primary - one new & one existing driveway off Germann Rd. (south) Secondary - new driveway off Cooper Rd. (east) Additional - new driveway off Northrop Blvd. (north)
Proposed Materials
Painted concrete with a linear texture or exposed aggregate finish Metal wrapped or painted horizontal beam elements Architectural storefront and glazing Stone veneer accent panels Painted scored- and split-face concrete masonry units Materials are similar to the existing building to the west of the site Neutral light gray colors complement existing building to the west
Parking Spaces Required
2.0 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. minimum 152 parking spaces required at Building A 217 parking spaces required at Building D
Parking Spaces Provided
155 parking spaces provided at Building A 2.05 spaces / 1000 sq. ft.
217 parking spaces provided at Building D 2 spaces / 1000 sq. ft.
Review and Recommendation
The proposed site is located north of the Airport and is designated as Innovation District within the Chandler Airpark Area Plan.
Two proposed buildings, designated on the site plan as Building A and Building D, represent Phase I of two planned phases for the subject site, comprised of approximately 13 acres of the total 21 acre site. The proposed architecture and materials of Phase I are in alignment with the existing business park building to the immediate west of the site. Phase II will be developed at a later time under a separate PDP application and will be required to utilize similar architecture and materials.
In order to provide some screening of the rear of the buildings and dock doors, the buildings have been oriented with their rear elevations facing each other. Per the larger Chandler Airport Center requirements, the truck maneuvering areas will be required to be screened with 8 foot tall walls and gates and the applicant will be required to work with staff on these items. The proposed Phase I provides a driveway connection to Cooper Road.
The end user for Building D is unknown at this time. Therefore, the developer is providing approximately 2 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of building, which allows for a higher percentage of ancillary office for future tenants, which attracts employment established within City Council's Strategic Framework. As of February 8, 2024, City Council approved proposed Zoning Code amendments and included increasing parking for flex industrial to 2 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet. The proposed parking spaces allow for approximately 30% of buildings to be used as ancillary office.
Likewise, parking for Building A has been provided at a rate of 2.05 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet. Staff is in support of this approach, as it is consistent with the parking provided at Building D. In addition, the applicant has provided parking study information for the proposed tenant of Building A, which further demonstrates the amount of parking provided as being more than adequate.
Planning staff has reviewed and supports the request as it aligns and is consistent with the CAAP land designation and design guidelines. Further, the addition of square footage for flex industrial and showroom uses aligns with the goals of the General's Plan Employment designation. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval.
Public / Neighborhood Notification
This request was noticed in accordance with the requirements of the Chandler Zoning Code.
A neighborhood notice was sent in lieu of a neighborhood meeting due to lack of adjacent single-family residential properties.
Neighborhood notice was posted on social media via Next Door.
As of the writing of this memo, Planning staff is not aware of any opposition to the request.
Airport Commission Conflict Evaluation
Airport Commission meeting: February 14, 2024 Motion to find no conflict with existing or planned airport uses.
In Favor: 6 Opposed: 0 Absent: 1 (Wakefield)
The Airport Commission reviewed the request in accordance with the Airport Conflicts Evaluation Process. The Airport Manager has issued a conflicts evaluation report indicating that the Airport Commission determined the proposed development does not constitute a conflict with existing or planned airport operations. A copy of the Airport Manager's report detailing the Airport Commission's findings is attached to this memo.
Planning and Zoning Commission Vote Report
Planning and Zoning Commission meeting March 20, 2024 Motion to Approve
In Favor: 4 Opposed: 0 Absent: 3 (Velasquez, Lopez and Golla)
Ordinance No. 5091 was introduced and tentatively adopted on April 18, 2024
Recommended Conditions of Approval
Rezoning Planning and Zoning Commission recommends the City Council approve the requested PAD amendment, subject to the following conditions:
Development shall be in substantial conformance with the Development Booklet, entitled "Irgens Ascend" and kept on file in the City of Chandler Planning Division, in File No. PLH23-0055, modified by such conditions included at the time the Booklet was approved by the Chandler City Council and/or as thereafter amended, modified or supplemented by the Chandler City Council.
Showroom uses shall be allowed on the property.
DVR04-0037 narrative shall be amended as follows: under 'Proposed Uses, Commerce Midrise', on page 3 of the narrative, the fourth paragraph should read: "Showroom uses are proposed to provide the region with bulk related uses, such as tile, flooring, paint or furniture. These uses will support both the residential base as well as the business uses around the airport."
Compliance with original conditions adopted by the City Council in Ordinance No. 3673 in case DVR04-0037 and Ordinance No. 4184 in case DVR09-0023, except as modified by condition herein.
Phase II properties along Cooper Road will require separate PDP approval.