Proposed Motion: |
Move City Council approve Preliminary Development Plan PLH23-0048 Echo Suites Extended Stay by Wyndham for site layout and building architecture for a four-story hotel on approximately 2.54 acres, subject to conditions as recommended by Planning and Zoning Commission. |
Background Data: |
- Approximately 2.54 acre site
- Subject site is within the 134-acre Chandler Airport Center (CAC), approved under DVR04-0037 (2005)
- DVR04-0037 identifies hotel uses along Cooper Road and at freeway interchange
- Existing zoning is Planned Area Development (PAD) for Commercial with amended CAC master plan, approved in 2009
- Existing zoning generally supports C-2 uses, including Commercial Hotel Mid-Rise for multi-story hotels up to 70-feet in height
- Subject site is within the Chandler Airpark Area Plan (CAAP) and is designated as Innovation District
Surrounding Land Use Data: |
North |
Loop 202 Santan Freeway |
South |
Existing gas station and convenience store |
East |
Existing office development |
West |
Cooper Road, then an indoor entertainment facility |
General Plan and Area Plan Designations: |
Plan |
Existing |
Proposed |
General Plan |
Employment and within the Chandler Airpark Growth Area |
No change |
(insert area plan name if any) |
Innovation District |
No change |
Proposed Development |
Subject Site |
Approximately 2.54 acres |
Building Square Footage |
Approximately 53,600 square feet |
Max Building Height |
Four stories total 50 feet high to tallest parapet wall Heights over 45 feet allowable due to existing Mid-Rise Overlay |
Guest Rooms |
124 |
Parking Spaces |
Required: 124 Provided: 127 |
Site Layout |
Primary site access: off Cooper Road Secondary access: via existing development to east Primary building entrance: west elevation, under porte-cochère Parking surrounding building Outdoor seating area and activity lawn north of main entrance |
Building Setbacks |
Front (east property line at Cooper Road): 50 feet Side (south property line): 20 feet Side (north property line): 50 feet Rear (east property line): 20 feet |
Building Materials |
Southwest contemporary architectural style Sandblast finish EIFS Smooth finish EIFS Prefinished metal accents Integral colored thin-brick – veneer application Integral colored thin-brick – stack application Architectural storefront and non-reflective glazing |
Amenities |
A guest lounge, fitness center and laundry facility on the 1st floor. An outdoor seating area and activity lawn near the main entrance. A high-quality drop-off area with porte-cochère at main entrance at west elevation facing Cooper Road. |
Review and Recommendation |
The proposed four-story hotel will be approximately 53,600 square feet on approximately 2.54 acres and feature 124 guest rooms with a lounge, fitness room and laundry area on the first floor. There is a covered outdoor seating area with raised planters and an adjacent activity lawn near the main entrance which complements the porte-cochère covered entry at the front. The main entrance to the site is from Cooper Road, with drive aisles and parking provided at all sides of the building. A covered canopy / porte-cochère is prominently featured at the main entrance facing toward Cooper Road. The proposed development exceeds the parking requirements. The proposed hotel features high quality EIFS finishes, with an engineered stucco material that offers a consistent quality across all elevations. Sandblast and smooth EIFS finishes create textural contrast and are rendered in a color palette of six complementary colors. Durable thin brick siding is applied in both a veneer and a stack application to create greater visual interest and texture. Prefinished metal accents and storefront systems with gray tinted and low-reflective glazing round out the materials applied across all elevations. The proposed max building height of 50 feet is allowable due to an existing Mid-Rise Overlay secured under DVR04-0037 that allows building heights up to 70 feet. The applicant is proposing a facade that achieves an asymmetrical balance through the use of differing fenestration, angled architectural features and parapet heights. The building massing helps to create a composition that is visually appealing and relatable on a human scale. The interplay between color, materials and forms combine to create visually interesting elevations. The city's four-sided architecture requirement is satisfied by utilizing materials, massing, and forms primarily at the east and west elevations and to a somewhat lesser degree at the north and south elevations. The end result successfully creates an architecturally enhanced building on all four sides. Planning staff has reviewed and supports the request for preliminary development for site layout and building architecture. The proposal meets the goals of design within the Chandler Airpark Area Plan and the General Plan. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval. |
Public / Neighborhood Notification |
- This request was noticed in accordance with the requirements of the Chandler Zoning Code.
- A neighborhood notice was sent in lieu of a neighborhood meeting due to lack of residential properties in close proximity to proposed site.
- Neighborhood notice was posted on social media via Next Door.
- As of the writing of this memo, Planning staff is not aware of any opposition to the request.
Airport Commission Conflict Evaluation |
Airport Commission meeting April 10, 2024 Motion to find no conflict with existing or planned airport uses In Favor: 5 Opposed 0 Absent: 1 The Airport Commission reviewed the request in accordance with the Airport Conflicts Evaluation Process. Discussion about the proposed development focused on the building height and the potential for glare from site lighting. Staff indicated the lighting would be similar to site lighting used in the area currently and would be shielded to eliminate any glare. The Airport Manager explained that at 50' high, the building would not be in conflict with airport activities. The Airport Manager has issued a conflicts evaluation report indicating that the Airport Commission determined that the proposed development does not constitute a conflict with existing or planned airport uses. A copy of the Airport Manager's report detailing the Airport Commission's findings is attached to this memo. |
Planning and Zoning Commission Vote Report |
Planning and Zoning Commission meeting April 17, 2024 Motion to Approve In Favor: 6 Opposed: 0 Absent: 1 (Quinn) At the Planning and Zoning Commission Study Session, Chair Heumann suggested and the Commission supported PDP stipulation #10, requiring the applicant to provide charging stations for electric vehicles. |
Recommended Conditions of Approval |
Planning and Zoning Commission recommends the City Council approve the Preliminary Development Plan, subject to the following conditions:
- Development shall be in substantial conformance with the Development Booklet, entitled "Echo Suites: Chandler, AZ" and kept on file in the City of Chandler Planning Division, in File No. PLH23-0048, modified by such conditions included at the time the Booklet was approved by the Chandler City Council and/or as thereafter amended, modified, or supplemented by the Chandler City Council.
- The site shall be maintained in a clear and orderly manner.
- Landscaping plans (including for open spaces, rights-of-way, and street medians) and perimeter walls shall be approved by the Planning Administrator.
- Landscaping shall be maintained at a level consistent with or better than at the time of planting.
- Fifty percent of the trees planted along the arterial streets shall be a minimum of 36-inch box and be a minimum of 12-feet in height at the time of planting.
- Preliminary Development Plan approval does not constitute Final Development Plan approval; compliance with the details required by all applicable codes and conditions of the City of Chandler and this Preliminary Development Plan shall apply.
- All mechanical equipment, including HVAC, utility meters, etc. shall be screened from view by material(s) that are architecturally integrated and consistent with the proposed buildings.
- Sign packages, including free-standing signs as well as wall-mounted signs, shall be designed in coordination with landscape plans, planting materials, storm water retention requirements, and utility pedestals, so as not to create problems with sign visibility or prompt the removal of required landscape materials.
- Chandler Airport Center requires all parking to be fully screened from view by 3-foot-high screen walls that match existing screen walls. Applicant shall work with staff to meet this requirement.
- Applicant shall provide charging stations within the parking area.