A Resolution Authorizing The City Manager To Award Purchase Of A Fire Division Fire Engine With Sutphen Corporation Waiving The Competitive Bidding Requirements. (first reading)
Purpose and Background
The Fire Division is requesting the purchase of a new fire engine. The replacement of this fire engine has been a planned replacement, having been part of the Fire Division's Capital Improvement Plan and is included in the 2023 budget. This vehicle will be placed into a front-line status allowing the 1997 KME fire engine (Engine 24) to be removed from inventory, and a 2006 Sutphen fire engine to move to a reserve/backup role.
The purchase of this new fire engine would be completed using the City's already established Sourcewell Purchasing Cooperative account to award the purchase contract to Sutphen Fire Apparatus. Sutphen, a family-owned Ohio-based company, has been a provider of fire apparatus to the Huber Heights Fire Division since 2006. The purchase and delivery of this Sutphen Fire Engine will provide a standardized platform encompassing the many components and functions as well as general capabilities and functions of operations to all Fire Division fire engines.
Due to current supply chain conditions and raw material cost increases as well as pending annual pricing increases, City Staff are asking City Council to pass the resolution and waive the competitive bidding requirement for Sutphen Fire Apparatus to supply the Fire Division with a fire engine for a cost to not exceed $752,000 to facilitate the purchase prior to January 6, 2023. Understanding imminent price increases are set to go into effect on December 15, 2022, Sutphen has agreed to hold the current purchase price until 1/6/2023, so long as this resolution is passed prior to December 15, 2022. If the resolution is not passed prior to December 15, 2022 and the purchase agreement is not completed on or before January 6, 2023, the City Manager will be authorized to agree to payment up to $802,000.