An Ordinance Providing For The Continuation Of An Existing .25 Percent Levy On Income Effective January 1, 2025 And Expiring December 31, 2034, And To Submit This Ordinance To The Electorate For Approval Or Rejection And Contingent Upon Such Election Approval, Amend Section 192.012(B) Of Chapter 192, Income Tax, Of Title 9, Taxation Part I, Administration To Reflect The Tax Continuation. (first reading)
Purpose and Background
Pursuant to the wishes of Council, this legislation will authorize the placement of a renewal of the 0.25% income tax for public safety service, which expires on December 31, 2024, before the electorate at the May 2, 2023 primary election. This ordinance authorizes the continuation of the current levy, 0.25% for a period of 10 years, at the same rate of 0.25% for an additional 10-year period.
To meet Board of Election timelines, it is recommended that Council waive the period between first and second readings, and adopt this non-emergency legislation on December 12, 2022. Adoption under these conditions will still provide for the 30-day referendum period.