Resolution - Water Utilities: Consider a resolution to modify the membership requirements for the Lubbock Water Advisory Commission.
Item Summary
On July 24, 2003, the City Council passed Resolution No. 2003-R0285, creating the Lubbock Water Advisory Commission (LWAC) to review and evaluate various water and wastewater related issues and to make recommendations to the City Council on such matters. This initial resolution organized the Commission with nine members with specific representations as follows:
1 - Brazos River Authority (BRA) 1 - Canadian River Municipal Water Authority (CRMWA) 1 - High Plains Underground Water District No. 1 (HPUWCD) 1 - Llano Estacado Regional Water Planning Group (LERWPG) 5 - At-Large Citizens of Lubbock
This resolution also established "no limits" on the successive terms that a Commission member could serve.
On May 14, 2009, the City Council passed Resolution No. 2009-R0198, clarifying the membership requirements for the four specific "Water Organization" representatives to include either a "present or former member of the board of directors." This amendment broadened the potential candidates that could be appointed by the City Council.
Currently, term limits exist for all boards and commissions. Based on this limitation, the membership requirements for LWAC have become too restrictive concerning the "Water Organization" requirements. For example, in the last 20 years, there have only been three CRMWA board members and five BRA board members representing the Lubbock area. Most of these present or former board members have already served on LWAC.
On June 28, 2021, LWAC considered and made recommendations to the City Council regarding proposed changes to the existing Commission membership requirements to make them less restrictive. The recommended resolution will amend the 2009 Resolution as follows:
4 - Representatives of a water organization with interests in the Lubbock region, which may include members of the BRA, CRMWA, HPUWCD, LERWPG, or similar entities 5 - At-Large Citizens of Lubbock
These changes will provide more flexibility for the City Council to make appointments and fill Commission vacancies.
Fiscal Impact
Staff/Board Recommending
Jesica McEachern, Assistant City Manager Wood Franklin, Division Director of Public Works