Mayor Joe Pizzillo _______________ Vice Mayor Wally Campbell _______________ Councilmember Brannon Hampton _______________ Councilmember Laura Kaino _______________ Councilmember Vicki Gillis _______________ Councilmember Benita Beckles
_______________ Councilmember Trey Terry
Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Goodyear City Council and to the general public that the Council of the city of Goodyear will hold a meeting open to the public. Public body members of the city of Goodyear will attend either in person or by telephone conference call and/or video communication. The Goodyear City Council may vote to go into Executive Session, pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(3), which will not be open to the public, to discuss certain matters. Meetings are conducted in accordance with the City Council Meetings Council Rules of Procedure adopted by Resolution No. 2018-1879. THE CITY OF GOODYEAR ENDEAVORS TO MAKE ALL PUBLIC MEETINGS ACCESSIBLE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES. With 48-hour advance notice, special assistance can be provided for sight and/or hearing-impaired persons at this meeting. Reasonable accommodations will be made upon request for persons with disabilities or non-English speaking residents. Please call the City Clerk (623) 882-7830 or Arizona Relay (TDD) 7-1-1 to request an accommodation to participate in this public meeting. Si necesita asistencia o traducción en español, favor de llamar al menos 48 horas antes de la reunión al (623) 882-7830.
City Clerk's Office: 1900 N. Civic Square, Goodyear, AZ 85395 (623) 882-7830 City Council Meeting Live Broadcast: