City of Lubbock, Texas
Regular City Council Meeting August 27, 2024 |
City Council Chambers, Citizens Tower, 1314 Avenue K, Lubbock, Texas
City of Lubbock City Council Meetings are available to all persons regardless of disability. If you require special assistance, please contact the City Secretary's Office at (806)775-2061 or write to Post Office Box 2000, Lubbock, Texas 79457 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Executive Session Disclosure Statement: The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of the meeting to discuss any item listed on this agenda as authorized by Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, including but not necessarily limited to §551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), §551.072 (Deliberations regarding Real Property), §551.073 (Deliberations regarding Gifts and Donations), §551.074 (Personnel Matters), §551.076 (Deliberations regarding Security Devices), §551.086 (Public Power Utilities: Competitive Matters), §551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development Negotiations).
Note: On occasion the City Council may consider agenda items out of order. |
12:30 p.m. - The City Council convenes in City Council Chambers and immediately recesses into Executive Session. |
1. | Executive Session | |||||
1. | 1. | Hold an executive session in accordance with Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, with legal counsel for advice about pending or contemplated litigation or settlement agreement and on matters in which the duty of the attorney under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct conflicts with Chapter 551. | ||||
1. | 1. | 1. |
North Park Tax Increment Financing District (TIF)
1. | 1. | 2. |
Chapter 1, Art. IX, Section 14 of the Lubbock City Charter
1. | 2. | Hold an executive session in accordance with Texas Government Code, Section 551.074, to discuss personnel matters, the appointment, employment, evaluation, or reassignment of the following: | ||||
1. | 2. | 1. |
City Attorney
1. | 2. | 2. |
City Manager
1. | 2. | 3. |
City Secretary
1. | 3. | Hold an executive session in accordance with Texas Government Code Section 551.074, to discuss personnel matters, regarding the duties, responsibilities, and/or appointments to the Electric Utility Board, Health/Educational Facilities Development Corporation Board, Lubbock Emergency Communications District Board of Managers, Planning & Zoning Commission, and Zoning Board of Adjustment. | ||||
Adjourn from Executive Session | ||||||
Immediately following Executive Session, the City Council reconvenes in Work Session in City Council Chambers. | ||||||
2. | Hear and discuss presentations regarding the following and provide guidance to staff as appropriate. | |||||
2. | 1. | Presentation and discussion of the Proposed FY 2024-25 Operating Budget and Capital Program, and discuss all funds of the City, including but not limited to General Fund, Debt Service Fund, Internal Services, Enterprise Funds, Special Revenue Funds, Component Units, Related Entities, Debt and Debt Obligations, Capital Improvement Program, current and proposed American Rescue Plan Act Funds and uses, and related and associated items and use of such funds; and take action to direct the City Manager to make changes to said Budget. | ||||
2:00 p.m. - The City Council continues in Open Session in City Council Chambers.
3. | Ceremonial Items | |||||
3. | 1. | Invocation | ||||
3. | 2. | Pledges of Allegiance | ||||
Call to Order
4. | Citizen Comments - According to Lubbock City Council Rules, any citizen wishing to appear in-person before a regular meeting of the City Council, regarding any matter posted on the City Council Agenda below, shall complete the sign-up form provided at the meeting, no later than 2:00 p.m. on August 27, 2024. Citizen Comments provide an opportunity for citizens to make comments and express a position on agenda items. | |||||
5. | Minutes | |||||
5. | 1. | July 23, 2024 Regular City Council Meeting July 25, 2024 Special City Council Meeting - Joint Planning & Zoning Commission |
6. | Consent Agenda - Items considered to be routine are enacted by one motion without separate discussion. If the City Council desires to discuss an item, the item is removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. | |||||
6. | 1. | Budget Ordinance Amendment 2nd Reading - Finance: Consider Budget Ordinance No. 2024-O0106, Amendment 45, amending the FY 2023-24 Budget for municipal purposes respecting the Information Technology Capital Project Fund and the Health Benefits Operating Fund; providing for filing; and providing for a savings clause. | ||||
6. | 2. | Budget Ordinance Amendment 1st Reading - Finance: Consider Budget Ordinance Amendment 44, amending the FY 2023-24 Budget for municipal purposes respecting the Community Development Fund; providing for filing; and providing for a savings clause. | ||||
6. | 3. | Resolution - Finance: Consider a resolution approving the Lubbock Emergency Communications District Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-25. | ||||
6. | 4. | Resolution - Planning: Consider a resolution, pursuant to Chapter 42, Subchapter D, of the Texas Local Government Code, releasing the area described as Property I.D. R47350 by the Lubbock County Appraisal District, otherwise known as 5710 East FM 835, from the Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of Lubbock. | ||||
6. | 5. | Ordinance 2nd Reading - Right-of-Way: Consider Ordinance No. 2024-O0107, abandoning and closing portions of an Underground Streetlight Cable Easement located in Lot 334, Lincoln 16 Addition, City of Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, south of Princeton Street and east of North Clinton Avenue. | ||||
6. | 6. | Resolution - Right-of-Way: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Water Line Easement Agreement, and related documents, by and between the City of Lubbock and the Veterans Land Board of the State of Texas. | ||||
6. | 7. | Resolution - Right-of-Way: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to accept, for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, one (1) Street, Public Use, and Right-of-Way Deed, and all related documents, in connection with certain real property located in Section 1, Block D-6, Lubbock County, Texas (Parcel 12), to be utilized for the Upland Avenue: 4th Street to 19th Street 2022 Road Bond Project. | ||||
6. | 8. | Resolution - Right-of-Way: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to accept, for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, one (1) Street, Public Use, and Right-of-Way Deed, and all related documents, in connection with certain real property located in Section 2, Block JS, Lubbock County, Texas, (Parcel 3) to be utilized for the Milwaukee Avenue: 4th Street to North City Limits 2022 Road Bond Project. | ||||
6. | 9. | Resolution - Right-of-Way: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to accept, for and on behalf of the City of Lubbock, one (1) Street, Public Use, and Right-of-Way Deed, and all related documents, in connection with certain real property located in Section 2, Block JS, Lubbock County, Texas (Parcel 7), to be utilized for the Milwaukee Avenue: 4th Street to North City Limits 2022 Road Bond Project. | ||||
6. | 10. | Resolution - Right-of-Way: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Street and Alley Use License Agreement, and related documents, by and between the City of Lubbock and Trinity Church, Inc., in the right-of-way and alley, between Canton Avenue and University Avenue. | ||||
6. | 11. | Ordinance 2nd Reading - Engineering: Consider Ordinance No. 2024-O0108, amending Articles 39.04 and 39.07 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock, by adding Articles 39.07.046, and amending Sections 39.04.012, 39.04.013, and 39.07.020, to allow for certain building permits to be approved while required infrastructure is constructed in parallel with other building activities. | ||||
6. | 12. | Resolution - Engineering: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement Contract 17130, with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for engineering services for the reconstruction of the 34th Street: Upland Avenue to Milwaukee Avenue 2022 Road Bond Project. | ||||
6. | 13. | Resolution - Engineering: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Public Works Contract 18185, with Rink's Lease Services, Inc., for water line relocation ahead of Loop 88 segment 3D, Milwaukee Avenue to Frankford Avenue. | ||||
6. | 14. | Resolution - Public Works Water Utilities: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 18032, with Blue Sky Plumbing, Corp., for installation of water Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) and meter boxes. | ||||
6. | 15. | Resolution - Public Works Water Utilities: Consider a resolution rejecting all bids for the Single Phase Pole-Mounted Transformers, for the Bailey County Well Field, as advertised in ITB 24-18114-LV. | ||||
6. | 16. | Resolution - Public Works: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an amendment to the Interlocal Wholesale Water Sales Contract, with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, for the continued purchase of potable water supplying the John Montford Unit Correctional Facility. | ||||
6. | 17. | Resolution - Facilities Management: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 18047, with King Consultant, Inc. for mold consulting services in various City of Lubbock buildings. | ||||
6. | 18. | Resolution - Public Health Services: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement, and all related documents, for Intermediary Care Clinic funding, by and between the City of Lubbock and Lubbock County. | ||||
6. | 19. | Resolution - Public Health Services: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 3 to the Administration Substance Use Disorder Services Grant Agreement Health and Human Services Contract No. HHS000779500001, and all related documents, by and between the City of Lubbock, and the State of Texas Health and Human Services Commission. | ||||
6. | 20. | Resolution - Public Health Services: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 3 to the Health and Human Services Commission Contract No. HHS000780500002, and all related documents, under the Substance Use Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Services Block Grant Program, to provide funding for Community Health Workers, by and between the City of Lubbock, and the State of Texas Health and Human Services Commission. | ||||
6. | 21. | Resolution - Public Health Services: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 4 to the Health and Human Services Commission Contract No. HHS00108140001, and all related documents, under the Substance Abuse Prevention and Behavioral Health Promotion Grant Program, by and between the City of Lubbock and the State of Texas Health and Human Services Commission. | ||||
6. | 22. | Resolution - Public Health Services: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute the Health and Human Services Commission Grant Agreement Contract No. HHS001081400002, and all related documents, under the Prevention and Behavioral Health Promotion Grant Program (PBHP), by and between the City of Lubbock, and the State of Texas Health and Human Services Commission. | ||||
6. | 23. | Resolution - Community Development: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Emergency Solutions Grant Funding Agreement 18276, and all related documents, by and between the City of Lubbock and Family Promise of Lubbock, Inc., for homeless prevention and rapid rehousing for homeless individuals and families in Lubbock. | ||||
6. | 24. | Resolution - Public Transit Services: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute FY 2025 Section 5307 Grant, TxDOT URB 2503 (05), Project ID 51309030525, with the Texas Department of Transportation, for operating assistance to Citibus. | ||||
6. | 25. | Ordinance 1st Reading - Business Development: Consider approving the seventeenth supplemental ordinance updating the Vintage Township Public Improvement District Service and Assessment Plan and Assessment Roll. | ||||
6. | 26. | Resolution - Business Development: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 18219, with West Infrastructure Construction, LLC, for repairs to various streets in the North Overton Tax Increment Financing District Boundary. | ||||
6. | 27. | Resolution - Civic Center: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 18134, with Armstrong Mechanical Co. Inc., to provide procurement and installation of new heating water piping from the Civic Center Physical Plant to the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center. | ||||
6. | 28. | Resolution - Information Technology: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Purchase Order 33001883, with CDW Government, Inc., for a three-year VMware Enterprise Software Licensing and Support Agreement. | ||||
6. | 29. | Resolution - Information Technology: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Purchase Order 33001884, with Vertosoft, LLC, for a three-year renewal of the OpenGov Cloud Budgeting and Planning Solution Software and Support Services. | ||||
6. | 30. | Resolution - Lubbock Fire Rescue: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Service Contract 18122, with PesTex Pest Control, for professional pest control services in all Lubbock Fire Rescue facilities. | ||||
6. | 31. | Resolution - City Secretary: Consider a resolution authorizing a joint election(s) with other eligible governmental units in Lubbock County, and authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract for services with Lubbock County and the eligible governmental units, for said joint election(s), through September 30, 2025. | ||||
7. | Regular Agenda | |||||
7. | 1. | Board Appointments - City Secretary: Consider and take action on the appointment of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for the Lubbock Water Advisory Commission. | ||||
7. | 2. | Board Appointment - City Secretary: Consider and take action on the appointment of the Chairperson for the Veterans Advisory Committee. | ||||
7. | 3. | Public Hearing - Planning (District 4): Consider a request for Zone Case 1067-G, a request of Helmos Interests LTD, for a zone change from Neighborhood Commercial District (NC) to Neighborhood Commercial District (NC) Specific Use for a smoke shop, at 6909, 6911, 6913, 6917, 6923, 6925, 6931, and 6951 Indiana Avenue, located east of Indiana Avenue and north of 70th Street, Liberty Village Addition, Lots 1 - 55 of Tract A, and consider an ordinance. | ||||
7. | 4. | Public Hearing - Planning (District 5): Consider a request for Zone Case 3303-D, a request of Steen Realty Group of Keller Williams for SE4NS Properties, LLC, for a zone change from Industrial Park District (IP) to Auto-Urban Commercial District (AC), at 11919 and 11923 Frankford Avenue, located east of Frankford Avenue and south of 119th Street, Stonewood Industrial Park Addition, Tracts B-1 and B-2, and consider an ordinance. | ||||
7. | 5. | Public Hearing - Planning (District 5): Consider a request for Zone Case 3506, a request of Brian and Chad Carter, for a zone change from Low Density Single-Family District (SF-2) to Heavy Commercial District (HC), at 5834 and 5836 146th Street, west of Frankford Avenue and north of 146th Street, on approximately 4.978 acres of unplatted land out of Block AK, Section 9, and consider an ordinance. | ||||
7. | 6. | Public Hearing - Planning (District 5): Consider a request for Zone Case 3507, a request of Mountain Top Engineering for CTJ Diamond Investments, LLC, for a zone change from Low Density Single-Family District (SF-2) to Auto-Urban Commercial District (AC), at 7108 82nd Street, located north of 82nd Street and east of Upland Avenue, on 1.01 acres of unplatted land out of Block AK, Section 30, and consider an ordinance. | ||||
7. | 7. | Public Hearing - Planning (District 6): Consider a request for Zone Case 3505, a request of Seventeen Services, LLC for Scarlet River, LLC, for a zone change from Low Density Single-Family District (SF-2) to Heavy Commercial District (HC), at 2909 and 2911 North Frankford Avenue, located west of North Frankford Avenue and north of Ursuline Street, on 5.023 acres of unplatted land out of Block JS, Section 12, and consider an ordinance. | ||||
7. | 8. | Public Hearing - Business Development: Hold a public hearing on the proposed 2024 Assessment Rate for the Bell Farms Public Improvement District (PID), and consider an ordinance reviewing classifications for the methods of assessing special benefits for the services and improvements of property in the Bell Farms PID; approving, adopting, and filing with the City Secretary the assessment roll; levying 2024 assessments for the cost of certain services and improvements to be provided in the district during FY 2024-25; fixing charges and liens against the property in the district and against the owners thereof; and providing for the collection of the assessment. | ||||
7. | 9. | Public Hearing - Business Development: Hold a public hearing on the proposed 2024 Assessment Rate for the Northwest Passage Public Improvement District (PID), and consider an ordinance reviewing classifications for the methods of assessing special benefits for the services and improvements of property in the Northwest Passage PID; approving, adopting, and filing with the City Secretary the assessment roll; levying the 2024 assessments for the cost of certain services and improvements to be provided in the district during FY 2024-25; fixing charges and liens against the property in the district and the owners thereof; and providing for the collection of the assessments. | ||||
7. | 10. | Public Hearing - Business Development: Hold a public hearing on the proposed 2024 Assessment Rate for the Upland Crossing Public Improvement District (PID), and consider an ordinance reviewing classifications for the methods of assessing special benefits for the services and improvements of property in the Upland Crossing PID; approving, adopting, and filing with the City Secretary the assessment roll; levying 2024 assessments for the cost of certain services and improvements to be provided in the district during FY 2024-25; fixing charges and liens against the property in the district and against the owners thereof; and providing for the collection of the assessment. | ||||
7. | 11. | Public Hearing - Business Development: Hold a public hearing on the proposed 2024 Assessment Rate for the Upland Crossing 2 Public Improvement District (PID), and consider an ordinance reviewing classifications for the methods of assessing special benefits for the services and improvements of property in the Upland Crossing 2 PID; approving, adopting, and filing with the City Secretary the assessment roll; levying 2024 assessments for the cost of certain services and improvements to be provided in the district during FY 2024-25; fixing charges and liens against the property in the district and against the owners thereof; and providing for the collection of the assessment. | ||||
7. | 12. | Public Hearing - Business Development: Hold a public hearing on the proposed 2024 Assessment Rate for the Upland Crossing 3 Public Improvement District (PID), and consider an ordinance reviewing classifications for the methods of assessing special benefits for the services and improvements of property in the Upland Crossing 3 PID; approving, adopting, and filing with the City Secretary the assessment roll; levying 2024 assessments for the cost of certain services and improvements to be provided in the district during FY 2024-25; fixing charges and liens against the property in the district and against the owners thereof; and providing for the collection of the assessment. | ||||
7. | 13. | Public Hearing - Business Development: Hold a public hearing on the proposed 2024 Assessment Rate for the North Overton Public Improvement District (PID), and consider an ordinance reviewing classifications for the methods of assessing special benefits for the services and improvements of property in the North Overton PID; approving, adopting, and filing with the City Secretary the assessment roll; levying 2024 assessments for the cost of certain services and improvements to be provided in the district during FY 2024-25; fixing charges and liens against the property in the district and against the owners thereof; and providing for the collection of the assessment. | ||||
7. | 14. | Public Hearing - Business Development: Hold a public hearing on the proposed 2024 Assessment Rate for the Quincy Park Public Improvement District (PID), and consider an ordinance reviewing classifications for the methods of assessing special benefits for the services and improvements of property in the Quincy Park PID; approving, adopting, and filing with the City Secretary the assessment roll; levying 2024 assessments for the cost of certain services and improvements to be provided in the district during FY 2024-25; fixing charges and liens against the property in the district and against the owners thereof; and providing for the collection of the assessment. | ||||
7. | 15. | Public Hearing - Business Development: Hold a public hearing on the proposed 2024 Assessment Rate for the Valencia Public Improvement District (PID), and consider an ordinance reviewing classifications for the methods of assessing special benefits for the services and improvements of property in the Valencia PID; approving, adopting, and filing with the City Secretary the assessment roll; levying 2024 assessments for the cost of certain services and improvements to be provided in the district during FY 2024-25; fixing charges and liens against the property in the district and against the owners thereof; and providing for the collection of the assessment. | ||||
7. | 16. | Public Hearing - Business Development: Hold a public hearing on the proposed 2024 Assessment Rate for the North Point Public Improvement District (PID), and consider an ordinance reviewing classifications for the methods of assessing special benefits for the services and improvements of property in the North Point PID; approving, adopting, and filing with the City Secretary the assessment roll; levying 2024 assessments for the cost of certain services and improvements to be provided in the district during FY 2024-25; fixing charges and liens against the property in the district and against the owners thereof; and providing for the collection of the assessment. | ||||
7. | 17. | Public Hearing - Business Development: Hold a public hearing on the proposed 2024 Assessment Rate for the Willow Bend Villas Public Improvement District (PID), and consider an ordinance reviewing classifications for the methods of assessing special benefits for the services and improvements of property in the Willow Bend Villas PID; approving, adopting, and filing with the City Secretary the assessment roll; levying 2024 assessments for the cost of certain services and improvements to be provided in the district during FY 2024-25; fixing charges and liens against the property in the district and against the owners thereof; and providing for the collection of the assessment. | ||||
7. | 18. | Ordinance 2nd Reading - Planning: A. Consider Ordinance No. 2024-O0110, and take action on proposed amendments to the Unified Development Code (Ordinance No. 2023-O0054) recommended for adoption, limited to the following: