![]() AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL City of Garland Council Chambers, City Hall William E. Dollar Municipal Building 200 North Fifth Street Garland, Texas June 20, 2023 7:00 p.m. The City Council extends to each visitor a sincere welcome. We value your interest in your community and your participation in the meetings of this governing body. Regular meetings of the City Council are held the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month, beginning at 7:00 p.m.; the City Council meets regularly in work sessions at 6:00 p.m. the Monday preceding each regular meeting.
1. | Consider approval of the minutes of the June 6, 2023 Regular Meeting. | |||||||||||||||||||
2. | Consider approval of the following bids: | |||||||||||||||||||
a. |
This request is to obtain construction services for Holford Recreation and Neighborhood Aquatic Center. The original recreation center was built in 1968 and was demolished earlier this year to make way for this project. This replacement facility will be 37,300 square feet and include a gymnasium, fitness room, multipurpose rooms, kitchen, playground, and sports courts for basketball and pickleball. The aquatic center will include a lazy river, water slides, a leisure pool with spray features, an aquatic play structure, a children's pool, and shade structures. This project is part of the 2019 Bond Program and was approved in the 2023 CIP. |
b. |
This request is for the construction of generator docking stations at Gale Fields and Audubon Recreation Centers. The docking stations will provide the ability for a backup generator to be quickly connected and brought into service during an emergency, so the recreation center(s) can serve as temporary shelters. The equipment purchase of the backup generators was presented to City Council separately. |
c. |
This request is for the purchase of 126 steel support structures and associated materials needed for the connection of NTT transformers to the GP&L Lookout Substation bus. This is part of the approved Lookout to NTT Connect CIP project. An optional contingency is included for any additional materials that may be required. |
d. |
This request is to obtain engineering and project management services to support the rerouting of the Shiloh to McCree 138kV Transmission line through the Oakland Substation to the Shiloh and McCree Substations. Services will include transmission line analysis and pole design, railroad permitting and coordination, survey and subsurface utility engineering, and assistance with bid and construction management services. This is part of the approved Oakland to Shiloh 138kV Transmission Line Rebuild CIP project.76. |
e. |
This request is to consider awarding a contract for an insurance broker to place casualty insurance coverage for a term agreement with three (3) optional renewals. |
3. | Public hearings were previously conducted for the following zoning cases. Council approved the requests and instructed staff to bring forth the following ordinances for consideration. | |||||||||||||||||||
a. | Z 23-09, Ron Hobbs Architecture & Interior Design (District 5) Consider an ordinance amending the Garland Development Code of the City of Garland, Texas, by approving an amendment to a Specific Use Provision for a Food Processing and Storage Use on a 2.1866-acre tract of land located at 2960 Market Street and zoned Industrial (IN) District; providing for conditions, restrictions, and regulations; providing a penalty under the provisions of Sec. 10.05 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Garland, Texas; providing a Notice of Conditions of Compliance Clause; providing a Savings Clause and a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. |
4. | TxDOT Operation Slowdown Grant 2023 Consider and take appropriate action regarding the adoption of a resolution authorizing the Garland Police Department to accept a State of Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Operation Slowdown grant, consisting of conducting directive speed enforcement in the amount of $6,257.26. The required enforcement period will be from July 11 to August 2, 2023. The grant will be utilized to provide a greater level of traffic safety for the citizenry of the City of Garland by potentially changing the driving habits of those who violate the laws related to vehicle speeding. |
5. | Authorization for City Manager/2023 Capital Improvement Program Budget Amendment No. 1 Consider and take appropriate action to approve the Ordinance amending the 2023 Capital Improvement Program to appropriate $400,000 and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract to construct a new Downtown Visitor Center. |
6. | Resolution to Support Parks Application to the NCTCOG Solid Waste Implementation Grant Consider and take appropriate regarding a Council Resolution in support of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts application to the North Central Texas Council of Government FY 2024 to 2025 Solid Waste Implementation Grant. If awarded, the grant will be funded on a reimbursement basis following quarterly reports. |
7. | Amendment of Water and Wastewater Commercial Paper Program Consider and take appropriate action regarding an amendment to lower the City's overall Water and Wastewater Capital Improvement Program debt payments through the deferral of principal payments and by taking advantage of short term interest rates. |
8. | Acquisition of a single family home for affordable housing at 832 Woodland Drive Through the HOME Program The Community Development Department is seeking approval to purchase the property located at 832 Woodland Drive and authorizing the City Manager or authorized designee to execute all legal documents regarding the purchase of the property for the accepted price of $310,000. Funding for the project will be provided through the HOME Investment Partnership GREAT Homes Program. The program's mission is to provide safe and affordable housing for income-qualified buyers. This item was reviewed by the City Council at the June 19th Work Session. |
9. | Hold public hearings on: | |||||||||||||||||||
a. | Consider a Zoning request by Masterplan to construct 26 multi-family units in a townhouse-style configuration, as part of Phase 3 of The Draper redevelopment. The site is located at 110, 117 and 119 Garfield Street and 121 Grant Street in District 8. Consideration of the application of Masterplan, requesting approval of a Change in Zoning from Two-Family (2F) District and Community Retail (CR) District to a Planned Development (PD) District for Multi-Family-2 (MF-2) Uses. This property is located at 110, 117 and 119 Garfield Street and 121 Grant Street. (File Z 22-15, District 8) |
b. | Consider a Detail Plan request by Masterplan to construct 26 multi-family units in a townhouse-style configuration, as part of Phase 3 of The Draper redevelopment. The site is located at 110, 117 and 119 Garfield Street and 121 Grant Street in District 8. Consideration of the application of Masterplan, requesting approval of a Detail Plan for Multi-Family development. This property is located at 110, 117 and 119 Garfield Street and 121 Grant Street. (File Z 22-15, District 8) |
c. | Consider a Zoning request by Roberto Nunez (Alchemi Design Group) to operate a warehouse, showroom and office in an existing building. The site is located at 1910 Pendleton Drive in District 5. Consideration of the application of Robert Nunez (Alchemi Design Group), requesting 1) approval of a Change in Zoning from Planned Development (PD) District 69-31 to Community Retail (CR) District, and 2) a Specific Use Provision for a Warehouse, Office/Showroom (indoors only). This property is located at 1910 Pendleton Drive. (File Z 22-70, District 5) |
d. | Consider a Detail Plan request by Robert Nunez (Alchemi Design Group) to operate a warehouse, showroom and office in an existing building. The site is located at 1910 Pendleton Drive in District 5. Consideration of the application of Robert Nunez (Alchemi Design Group), requesting approval of a Detail Plan for a Warehouse, Office/Showroom (indoors only). This property is located at 1910 Pendleton Drive. (File Z 22-70, District 5) |
e. | Consider a Change in Zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Neighborhood Office (NO) District. The site is located at 1521 and 1613 Rowlett Road in District 3. Consideration of the application of Smiths-Haven, requesting approval of a Change in Zoning from Agricultural (AG) District to Neighborhood Office (NO) District. This property is located at 1521 and 1613 Rowlett Road. (File Z 23-13, District 3) |
10. | Citizen comments. Persons wishing to address issues not on the agenda may have three minutes to address Council at this time. Council is prohibited from discussing any item not posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act. |
11. | Adjourn. All Regular Council meetings are broadcast live on CGTV, Time Warner Cable Channel 16, and Frontier FIOS TV 44. Meetings are rebroadcast at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday-Sunday and at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday. Live streaming and on-demand videos of the meetings are also available online at www.garlandtx.gov. Copies of the meetings can be purchased through the City Secretary's Office – audio CD's are $1 each and DVD's are $3 each. |