Call to Order / Roll Call |
1. |
Tour of the Snedigar Sportsplex and park amenities - The Parks & Recreation Bond Subcommittee will convene at 4:00 p.m. on November 21, 2024, at the Snedigar Recreation Center, 4500 S. Basha Rd., Chandler, AZ 85248. Tour will progress via shuttle to view the east and west parts of the park. |
Consent / Action Agenda |
2. |
Approval of the minutes of November 19, 2024 |
Move to approve the Minutes of the Parks & Recreation Bond Subcommittee held on November 19, 2024, and authorize the Chair to approve the final meeting minutes of November 21, 2024. |
3. |
Review, discussion, and prioritization of the proposed Community Services and Cultural Development projects. |
Move to approve the Parks and Recreation Bond Subcommittee project recommendations and prioritizations as presented and submit them to the Bond Steering Committee. |
Discussion |
4. |
None |
Calendar |
5. |
None |
Public Comment Public comments will be heard only for the item(s) on that published meeting agenda. Up to 15 minutes will be allotted for public comments on the agenda item(s) at the end of the agenda and each speaker will be allocated up to three minutes at the discretion of the Presiding Officer or designated parliamentarian. |
Adjourn |